(EN) Trailer Traffic Pack V 1.0.0

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8 thoughts on “(EN) Trailer Traffic Pack V 1.0.0

  1. Your Trailers are awesome but they are locked with a password. Please give me the password.

  2. techkilla

    Where’s your password?

  3. Passwort fehlt

  4. scania_dragon

    Sorry guys, my failure!
    Have reuploaded. Here’s the new downloadlink:


    Old link is now invalid

  5. I want to remember that ets2studio is a software
    Free for all users,
    in version was removed the option to lock the mods
    the author Matdom1988 or MDModding not block these trailers
    the author…….. did not have permission to lock these trailers
    it has no respect for anyone

    1. scania_dragon

      You’re right zoso! It was my failure on creating the zip-archive.
      Now at the new archive is free of encrypting and open.
      Please use the new link:

      1. Ok no problem we can all make mistakes
        You have realized the mistake and have solved
        It means that you are an intelligent person
        Ciao CiaoZ

    2. You are right, zoso, but until now there are a lot of Mods closed.
      Images and Manifest and Readme also.
      Before installing I want to see the minimum of Information, what I install.

      @scania-dragon- Warum 2 Packs? Bei uns werden die Trailer (ausser Tandem) gleich im ETS-Studio zur AI zugefügt.
      Zum einen spart es Speicherplatz, zum anderen die Arbeit, alles mehrfach zu machen. 😉

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