(EN) Trailer Volvo 1.34 – 1.35

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18 thoughts on “(EN) Trailer Volvo 1.34 – 1.35

  1. Please stop skinning!

  2. TheGreenlightTrucker

    Don’t upload any #### 😉

  3. aprendan novatos!! .l.


  5. Tupac-Boy

    haxu ..TheGreenlightTrucker aprendan novatos ..

    1. TheGreenlightTrucker

      First: Write in english, please 😉
      Second: If you’re ned, you don’t ned to upload your learning stuff.

    2. TheGreenlightTrucker


  6. STOP Skinning and learn it first !!!
    Don’t upload Waste !!!

  7. I am trying to register but your confirmation link to my email address is taking so long to be sent…please send me

  8. Tupac-Boy


    a ver que suben ustedes novatos!! envidiosos

    1. to see that you rise novices! envious

      Wow, why we should be envious??
      And it´s not the Question, Beginner or not. Learn to take Dimensions and do not stretch the Images. It´s not nice to see.

      1. TruckYouMan

        Nah, he mispelled, he meant to say “Let’s see what you know, newbies!! Envious”

        He must be just some dumb mexican kid who can’t take a hint, so he just starts insulting everyone, even using different aliases, right, TU PAPA, aka Tupac-Boy?

  9. Gerardo507

    Por favor, deja de hacer Skins. Aprende primero.
    Please, stop doing Skins. Learn first

  10. LadenSwallow

    Experienced skinners get nausea by looking at this

  11. TruckYouMan

    Congratulations…for your bravery in posting this and exposing yourself to all sorts of mockery. Even back in ETS 1 days this would make anyone cringe, it’s a skinner’s nightmare. I think I would even go as far as paying you to remove this stuff from the site and get an early retirement.

    Basically you just took a square Volvo logo and stretched it beyond the frame limits. I mean, that detail of the white frame edges on the upper corners of the trailer is just painful to watch.

    Trust me, you would be better off just playing the game and enjoying other modders’ works of art. But hey, you can always use this yourself and share it privately with your friends. And if they are truly your friends, they will give you a pat on the back and say “Hey, at least you tried.”

  12. TruckYouMan

    As a follow-up to my previous comment, I might as well advise you not to insult me as well, because unlike other commentators, I don’t need Google Translate to read or reply in castellano. I am a proud portuguese trucker, all-the-way ETS player and former modder, and I speak fluent spanish, so don’t even bother.
    And since I’m a patient and reasonable man, think about this:

    “Aprovecha el consejo que te voy a dar: Disfruta del juego y de los mods de calidad que se encuentran por aqui, pero tambien tienes que mirarlos com mucha atención, hasta el mas infimo detalle, e quizas podrás aprender algo com ellos. Pero primer que todo, e muy importante, gana maturidad, y aprende a respetar las opiniones de los demás, aunque el contenido no te guste. Hecho esto, podrás empezar tu sueño…”

    1. Tupac-Boy

      jajajajaja mijo portugues te crees que algo usas traductor niño y ese mod es publicado por un principiante como tu lo dices? jaja claro mejor sigue usando el teclado ! ahora pregunta? para que comentas? para te metes en el tema? para que te gastas? dime bobo ..respeta el minimo trabajo de todo el mundo aqui..sea un principiante o un modder oficial scs..TU ERES UN SIMPLE niño…ve y juega tranquilo y aqui te te agrandes de modder que todos saben quien es quien aqui…adios niño no pierdo mi tiempo con ustedes …solo me rio por los chismeros que son y son peor que una mujer!!!hablando aprende a callarte porque niii una palmadita te aguantas niño!!!

  13. Tupac-Boy

    y no soy mexicano..respetalos ya que en el siimulador hay muchos de ellos y no debes faltar el respeto ,,fiijate de donde saliste primero niño

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