Naujas transportas eisme v1.1


1.4.x ir aukštesnėms versijoms.

v1.1 versijoje pridėtas keletas naujų tekstūrų eismo vilkikams



25 thoughts on “Naujas transportas eisme v1.1

  1. Thank you Mr.Jazzycat ,
    For all the very nice traffic/trailer/cargo paxks you make.
    is this truck trafficpack compatible with the painted truck traffic V1.2 ?

    1. Yes of course. All my packs can works together.

  2. the mod have cars or only trucks because in photo i didnt see a car …..nice mod !!

    1. Мod called TRUCK traffic pack. Only trucks.

      1. If I understand you, I think you have a great idea:

        Now, the mods of traffic are independent, so if you wanna add only new cars to traffic, just need add to pack [AI cars traffic]; if you wanna add painted trucks just need add to pack to Trucks and if wanna add trailers to traffic just need add to Trailers Traffic mod, so is easy to pack and upload/download.


  3. Hello, what is the difference at this mod and this:

    I think last mod is better because included skins for buses. What do you think?

    1. Painted truck traffic V1.2 – only default painted trucks and buses.
      Truck traffic pack v1.1 – only selfmade trucks and painted trucks.
      They can work together.

      1. Thx for your information.

        Your mods are pretty cool, congratulations! you are awersome!

  4. I understand now, thanks Jazzycat. I like your mods very much. Keep going!

  5. Can you make a similar mod for buses?

    Keep your working, I really like.

  6. It`s a lovely mod, keep up with the great work!

  7. Einfach Genial, Sehr gute Arbeit

  8. hy jazzy, you replace basic ai truck with 6×2 and 6×2 truck? can you make it standalone without replace basic ai truck? thank’s before jazzy, i like all your mods…

    1. sorry i mean 6×2 and 6×4 truck

      1. Nothing replace. Pack included all default truck traffic and default trucks with all others cabins and chassis.

  9. I LOVE ALL your packs, Thank you!! <3

  10. Hi Jazzy, I would like to know if this (or any other of your GREAT MODS) is compatible with some of this TSM/Russia maps. I hope so, cuz’ i’ll emjoy a even more real xp.

    Your job is reaaly great.

  11. Hy does this newer version of trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0 or can this works if I use both mod in same game

  12. Awesome!!

  13. apferreira truckman


  14. Another great mod Jazzycat, thanks. Works with all Jazzy’s other mods and with Going East and TSM 4 combined. I don’t use any other map extensions so maybe someone else can comment on them. Again, with a quick bit of editing, you can choose whichever vehicles you want to appear in-game or not… Good stuff…

  15. Great job Jazzycat!

    Will this pack work with russia map incl. DLC east?

  16. Great mod, thanks for your work!

  17. can you also drive that nice trucks? i like bdf trucks?

  18. Bonjour, j’utilise vos packs trailers qui sont une merveille BRAVO ,y a t’il un ajout que des camions dans le trafic ? merci

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