Truckers žemėlapis

Trucker’s-Map-1 Trucker’s-Map-2

Truckers žemėlapis žaidimo verijai

Autoriai: Sergey Lukovnikov ir kiti


90 thoughts on “Truckers žemėlapis

  1. Going to try this, sounds great TY!!

  2. doesnt work for me
    crashes while loading !!
    what am i doning wrong

    1. wait a few minutes being loading to map (8-10min for me), and do not press any keyboard (for example : alt+tab)

  3. is this the map of soviet union?

    1. I guess not, Since soviet union haven’t existed since 1991

  4. Subliminal


  5. Not loading for me either, please tell us how you others
    got it to run!

  6. FemaleTrucker

    I loaded this, Traffic lights in London facing wrong way and doing under 30 mph still got fined by camera, therefore !! I deleted it.

  7. ###

    WORKING TRUCKERS MAP –> for game version

    and it works perfect


    1. Can you tell me how you got it working?

    2. I just can’t believe what you are writing here… :-O You mean it is really worth downloading and trying it?!

      BTW: Is the text in the map (citynames etc.) always in Cyrillic letters or does it switch to Latin letters depending on the selected language in the game? How should I know where I have to go when I can’t read it…? 😉

    3. Yep works like a charm , new profile+couple mods- no problems , thanks

    4. como puedes jugarlo no puedo he hecho de todo y nada aun necesito ayuda por favor


      can play as I can not I have done everything and nothing still need help please

    5. Floris Donath

      How can I downgrade it from 1.13 to 1.8? I really want to play this map but it isn’t working in 1.13… Can someone please help me?

  8. не работает!

  9. Does it works with TSM 797979 profile?

    1. nope. u have to make a hole new profile

  10. works but u need to wait from 5-9 min to load the map.
    i personally del my profile on this map no point…the map in not fixed evr. is mix up.
    that is true the most names in russ and ukr are in cirilic whis is problem for everyone who can`t read….

    1. it literally takes less than 1min to load up , i dont see any russian.etc names all english so what are you smoking lol

  11. all trckers maps working !!NOT!! bad guy its all fake

  12. defiantly working though it is in English or at least I can understand the towns, however it looks nothing like the map in the you tube location . its defiantly another map as my other profile has Pro-mods running. Do I have to go to certain areas to see the Extreme truckn tracks???

  13. Mines Not the map in the You Tube Video … anyone else map look just like the standard map with a #### load of icons also looks like the maps viewed from space …ie 10x further away than standard????
    Anyone Help

  14. ###? this worked but i started with fking 45 hours journey. ###? nobody got time for that -_-

    1. Hey Turbo is your map in English???
      does it still resemble the standard map or is it like the you tube video of the map… im confused
      fail to see the benefit of it all

      1. Its in both. The map is in russia but scs map is in english.

        I loved it first look but my FIRST ever journey started off 45 hours. 🙁

        1. Sorry mate still don’t get it . my map is in the same location ie England Germany all the way down to Verona and Budapest same scs map just with all the icons showing and when driving its all bitumen roads as normal is this what yours is showing?

          1. Did you selete russia moduel while creating new profile? dont selete europe world. selete russia 🙂

          2. agh yep see what you mean the first map is in Russian and the main map map scs is in English .

            …. wheres the extreme trucking roads???

          3. Mate Thankyou , didn’t know I had to change that … cheers
            all good

  15. Can you help me how to use it ??
    it doesnt work for me
    crashes while loading !

  16. this map is great fun to get it to work you must start new profile and change the europe module to russia and when the loading bar come up it gets just over halfway then stops it looks like its crashed but give it 30 sec
    or so

    1. Thank you so much 😀

  17. Route Advisor Doesn’t Show Me A Route To Follow

  18. This is fking ######. fking 45hours in the FIRST journey ever. OMFG. are u mad?

  19. Fck!ng this map not working for me…

    1. christian92velasco

      And me… in my doesn’t works

  20. Doesn’t work, as always…

    None of Goba’s maps are working for me. I try every one of his map releases. It’s R28 btw.

  21. This folder does not work for v1.8.2.5. I had to replace the select module russia europe, still does not work, wait 15 minutes loading can not too.

  22. Again Baba is sucking up and saying it works perfect like on any previous version of this map that pretty much didn’t work for anybody or worked and then crashed somewhere. He’s a fanboy or something.

    1. ### – J poor boy and asked yself where have I lost my brain

      1. I have asked myself where you lost your brain indeed, you know what baba means in Russian? Makes me laugh every time.

  23. what scania truck is that in the pictures???

  24. did my first tour today-15h for the first obviously this map is working.don´t know if it will work further…or if sth happens/crash.
    all cities are kyrillic-but that´s no problem.that´s how it goes,if you drive to another country.

    1:start a new profile
    2:select the 3 scs files
    3:select \russian\ in module

    loading time is longer than normal-looks like the game crashed-but it will continue to load after a a city to start from…have fun.

    only negative in my opinion:
    physics are f´d up.i deliberately caused crashes and accidents-nearly no damage.try to roll over-always getting upright again.seen only open roads-no highways.but overall what i´ve seen it´s a very nice map.biggest con:
    mf goba wants 30$ for full support if you buy the map from him.

  25. This map is a lost cause because the ets2 original map and the added portions by wroclaw and roads in that area DO NOT CONNECT. Do not bother to download if you think it will connect for you,because it is not compatible with DLC.

    1. different James ..
      Mate I got this working without not too many problems. I asked for some help and “turbo” gave us a few pointers , so yes it DOES work. this is my first time using any other map than Pro-mods … but with a clean profile start no other mods ( however I have already added a few mods ) it will work.
      Remember every ones PC SYSTEM is different! and will handle the loading differently. keep persisting … if your system can not Handle or load this map … don’t use it , and remember

      1. well for me is ok i still chose the euro because There are GPS dont care about the name of the cities atleast you cant play the game

  26. To be fair I gave it a shot and this version finally works for me, all I did was drop it in like a regular mod, activate all three .scs files on a new profile (no other mods enabled tested) and then appeared the drop down menu for “module” and I selected this map below the default and started, what followed was a loading screen stuck at around 80%, I went and did other things away from my PC and after some 7 minutes it had loaded.

    It’s an interesting map, though not sure if you’ll keep all your deadlines with the bad patches of road where traffic slows down to 30 km/h.
    Most frustratingly I was “boxed in” by slow crawling AI before a hill so steep I wouldn’t try walking up it, and they integrated ice and snow into this like the wintermod so without momentum going up the hill I found myself stuck with wheelspin.

    1. and y see once again >>J <<

      use y head to save y feet

      1. Learn English, that #### made no sense “Baba yaga”

        1. okay J intelligence = 39,7

          1. I’m sorry to hear that, in light of this I’m sure you gave learning English your best effort, you poor thing I pity you.

  27. If I Select One Of The Cities In Russia/Ukraine And Do Delivery To A City On The Normal SCS Map, It Doesn’t Show Me A Route To Follow In The Route Advisor. And On The Map There’s Just The 2 Flags For Start And Finish But There’s No Red Line Connecting Them.

    1. If you magnify the map for a close up view of the road leading to the cities by Warsaw you will see they are not connected and if you drive on the road beyond the map road lines you will run into the empty abyss between dlc and truckers addition. That is why there is no red leader lines for you to follow

  28. The map is working very well. Pacience on loading screen, the map is huge. 🙂

  29. Thorn Exille

    Where to install this mod,cause i installed it in mod folder but i dont see it in gamelist where i have to activate my mods !

    1. Have you taken it out of the folder? Go into your Mod folder and check the files are in there like any regular mod files.

      1. Thorn Exille

        yes i have extracted them in mod folder ,like any regular mod !

  30. Finally this mod works perfect, thanks! 🙂

  31. whr do findf this map in which country i have 1.8.25 patch pls help me

  32. Juan Salvo

    follow the description of this specific video, link is down bellow:

    ps: the map works perfectly!

    thx and greats Juan S.

    1. I saw the video and helped me a lot.
      thank you.

  33. cj de klerk

    well done!! great map the first one that i downloaded of you actually work keep it up!!!!

  34. Will it work with promods map and going east dlc on latest version guys ?

  35. i can’t unrar 1 from the file,it say corrupt..plesss help

  36. ravuri donny

    fu*k u it doesnt work for ets 2

  37. The game crashes always from Tours 2 🙁

  38. i can’t see new road,but i see new country?
    what is the problem ?

    1. it’s works…yeah….
      just patience when loading….
      i wait about 15 minutes

  39. The map is working but only for one drive.Did a new profile no mods,got a 3000 km trip.finished it.took another job started the truck and came out of the warehouse it crashed.tried again same thing.deleted profile created a new one in the city FOSS same thing.Tried it again in newcastle same thing.the road layout everything is beauty.The TSM map works without a prob.have done level 30 and clocked 68934km on the truck without any cheat mods no extra mods except viking mod.

  40. I give, I tried installing it three times can not get it to even show in the mod list. Some things are just not meant to be.

  41. hi,
    just few a problem..
    i have installed truckers map in my ETS2, and i finish my first job, then in the seconds job, if i played maybe 5 minutes of playing, the game will stopped.. whom got the same problem? and how to repair it..

    thanks before

  42. This Cania model is include in the map ??
    Where i can have the same i love <3

  43. fonction for patch ?

  44. Grenlandis

    I just found out how to don’t get a crash after second trip. Really nice map, I love it.

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      You know, when someone says they’ve found a solution to a problem, they usually also divulge that information, so as to help the other people who might be experiencing the same problem.

      Otherwise, what is the point?

    2. how to do.can u please enlighten us.V would be very grateful.

    3. how to do.can u please enlighten us.V would be very grateful

    4. after 2 trip the game crash please give me a solution…!!

  45. Game is stuck while loading. i wait more than 1h. Pls give ms solution.

  46. hello this is map for 1 10.1 yes

  47. Hi, I would like some help with this mod… As said before, I have to wait 5-10 minutes for this to load. Unfortunately, windows automaticly closes it as soon as I start my new profile. Any help at all?

  48. plz any one tell me how to make that working plz 🙁

  49. guys i have and 1.11.1 versions not working on any one why?

  50. hey alfan how that working with u and not working with other guys?

  51. ok guys any one can ask goba?

  52. i have going east dlc and the same problem ;(

  53. #### unexpented

  54. Floris Donath

    Please can somebody update this map to v1.13? Im playing 1.13 and it isn’t working in that version. I hope it will get an upgrade soon!

  55. tapeino xamomilaki

    it was great but you have to wait for 5min for the load

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