(EN) TruckSim Map 5.4

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91 thoughts on “(EN) TruckSim Map 5.4

  1. #### links.Very slow.

    1. yeah fk so slow

  2. EJTruckingINC

    Downloading fast for me….Thanks Guys!!!

  3. Will this work with brazilian map mod EAA 1.9?

    1. I tried this map with ews 1.9 but crashes on the roads heading to Barcelona, must be a conflict somewhere, tsm works ok with rusmap 1.4.7 ok

  4. boujour je viens d’acheter euro truck simulaor 2 gold going-est .j ai fais la mise a jour 1.16.j aimerais savoir comment faire pour agrandir ma carte vers la france italie espagne et Portugale.comment télecharger trucksim map v5.4:merci dans l’attente de votre reponce

    1. MirmoZibang

      Qu’entends-tu par agrandie la carte ?

      1. Bonjour MIRMOZ J entend par la ,que je n’ai que la partie est de la France l’Europe de l’est.c’est a dire le dlc going east ETS2 GOLD.l’Espagne une partie de l’Italie et DU Portugale n’y figure pas .J’aimerais savoir sur quel site ou lien pour télécharger les nouvelles maps ou mods. merci de ta réponce

        1. Salut à toi Tony, Et bien justement il te faut télécharger le mod TSM si dessus pour agrandir la carte vers l’espagne > l’afrique etc..

  5. 687 GB LOL

    1. Nimeni.Altu

      oh sh*t :))))) YOU RIGHT!!!! HAHA…..

    2. Its a typo, downloading now and my comp says 687 mb

  6. How can i know if i use DLC?
    My game is original disc
    And i am play with Steam

    1. You will have the DLC if you have bought “Going East” from the Steam store or Euro Truck Simulator 2 website.

  7. make it for 1.15 please

  8. 5.3 for that for 1.15 great map

  9. just notice the 2nd download 687gb is that a mistake should it be mb not gb lol

    1. I think we need a new HDD for this map xDDD

      1. MirmoZibang

        Will 1TB be enough ? haha x)

        1. j ai acheté ets2 dlc going est en support cd la version de depart est 1.5.3

      2. If you wish so.. we can arrange that 😉

  10. Here are more links:

    TSM Map 5.4 with DLC

    TSM Map 5.4 without DLC

    Have fun! 🙂

    1. Thank you for this beautiful map …

    2. TheBigOne

      Oops bundle link not found anymore.

  11. Tested 64bits and it works with the last brutal env, EAA 1.9 and Rus map. Thanks for this new version of your amazing map.

    1. Rusmap still works for you? i’m running 1.16.2 and it crashes whenever i enter a service station or truck dealer parking lot

      1. Nimeni.Altu

        you right!
        hope the rusmap will be fixed! :(((

  12. Crash in some detailed companies and cities,less fps than 531. I have gtx260 i7920 8mb ram. This issue is for the New and detailed objects on low pcs or for other reason?

  13. if i put in 1.15 will be crash?

  14. This is the best map I saw so far. Keep it up!

  15. you need tsm 5.3 to work 1.15

  16. When i wil buy a daf truck in Amsterdam de game chrash !


  18. salut timy j ai telecharger ci dessus la carte cela ouvre un nouvelle page ou je ne peux pas telecharger . il faut une autorisa tion .Fais une simulation et tu verras.si tu a la solution je suis preneur merçi.

  19. tengo problemas al descomprimir el archivo con dlc going este al comprobar el archivo me envia errores (/) q hago?’ gtracias por la ayuda

    1. Tengo el mismo problema. Alguien que pueda dar alguna solución?

  20. beau travail mes gros probleme sur l italie des pon trop bas les bug sur les autoroute italienne des decor en plein milleu de la route surtout sur milano

  21. 00:44:01.901 : [model] Unknown variant name ‘man’ on model ‘/prefab/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_02.pmd’
    00:44:01.940 : Incorrect prefab variant definition! uid: 0x1AE6B394470002A
    00:44:02.127 : [model] Unknown look name ‘gr_ger_main’ on model ‘/prefab/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_02.pmd’
    00:44:02.171 : [model] Unknown variant name ‘man’ on model ‘/prefab/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_02.pmd’

  22. salut j’ai la dernière version 1.16 mais j’ai des problèmes à l’exécution du jeu avec cette carte “à cessé de fonctionner”

  23. Some rest areas don’t work. Impossible to sleep near Milano (Italia).

  24. can somebody upload it on MEGA!!!!

  25. game crash to desktop…just entering Esbjerg !!

  26. Look at this picture and http://prntscr.com/62z197, what’s the problem with TSM Map???!! ###

    1. Walter Plinge

      Possibly a tornado, or a low gravity well LOL

  27. There are more of these bugs ..wall and home on the road!!!??

  28. I remaded a licence plates of Africa
    If you want it write me on [email protected]

    1. 00:58:11.615 : units\unit_system.cpp(231): ?create_unit@unit_system_t@prism@@QAEPAVunit_base_t@2@ABUunit_descriptor_t@2@@Z: Attempt to instantiate abstract unit type.— fix this error in Warshawa Poland ! ! !

      1. there is in Warsaw all good. Search for mod, which conflicts with the game. in this case, the memory shortage.

  29. how to see full map in freight market i cant see spain and other southern part …is there a fix?? :{

    1. Move right button of mouse 🙂

      1. well thankzz ..but i mean to say that i cant see the ful map problem with zoom

        1. now is 16 version of game. if the TSM-team or others didn’t do so, then this is due to technical difficulties, IMHO 🙂

  30. NikosKont

    Can you add Corfu(Greece) and Ulm(Germany)in the next version?I had so many failed attempts to add these cities my own.

    1. NikosKont

      Corfu is an Island.

  31. The plane from Roma (I) to Tripoli (LY) dosean’t work please fix it…

  32. this map not work correctly…..the version 5.3.1 is the best with rus map 1.4.7 and ro addon 3.8……but work in a version 1.15.1 of ets2…….have many bug’s

  33. przez leipzig nie można przejechać

  34. there is a big problem in Italy. Roma, Genova and southern. Don’t enough of RAM…

  35. Cant unzip, incorrect headers =(

    1. redownload and use 7z or winrar. and you’ll happy 🙂

  36. doesn’t work I try with win.rar its says the file/ archive is corrupt help pls

    1. Dannyboy-357

      As of April, 2015, still not fixed. I’ve both 7Zip and WinRar, none worked… Windows 8.1 Pro 64, 8GB Ram, SSD.

  37. I couldn’t to give you alternative link. sorry

  38. tyrannix2342

    I suggest issuing or creator to learn English!!!!

  39. yes, yes :)) I know my errors.
    as soon as possible ;))

  40. this file is a piece of #### it says that winrar has “archive file corrupted” even though i extract it.what a waste of ###### time

  41. This file is a piece of #### it says on winrar “,achieve file corrupted” even though I extract it and try on WinZip.what a waste of ###### time

  42. KevinHuenaerts

    This map is awesome!!

  43. hello everyone.
    big respect for the creators for this.
    i have a question for you if you can explain why I can not see the whole map if already there because i have a problem i can move the map like in a normal game, and i went a couple of times in Egypt but can not see where i was going and i can not understand why it’s happening and is it a way to fix it somehow or i have problem i change resolution few times to different and its same still.
    thank you and look forward to a response if it is not a problem. 🙂

    1. Whats is password?

  44. hello everyone.
    big big respect for the creators for this.
    i have a question for you if you can explain why I can not see the whole map?i have a problem i can move the map like in a normal game, and i went a couple of times in Egypt and that part of map i dont know where but can not see no way where i was going and i can not understand why it’s happening and is it a way to fix it somehow or i have problem i change resolution few times to different and its same still.
    thank you and look forward to a response if it is not a problem. 🙂
    and if i dont explain good sorry important thing is how can i see hole map is it possible or no? 🙂

    1. pardon

  45. jeanmichel

    ca beug dommage je relance a chaque fois

  46. You can’t almost not deliver in Germany, sometimes the roads been blocked by stonewalls, the signs are placed on the road so that I can’t deliver the freight. I hope that you fix that

  47. the road blocks where around nurnberg, a hole mountain lays on the road… other traffic can drive trough it, but me not.

  48. Merged Rus Map v1.4.8 and Brasil Map v2.1 with TSM Map5.4 when choosing a new job close game

  49. it’s the best mod i’ve got installed right now. But when i open my map i can’t see Africa , Portugal, and only some parts of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy.

    1. yes Same thing

  50. It would help if you could actually use the fck links!

  51. Non of the links fck work! Good job… Why can’t you just have a normal download???

    1. TheBigOne

      Because the author is too busy playing Candy Machine or whatever the hell it’s called on his smartphone to even think about truck simulation?

      The Big Industry wants us to be doing smartphone apps only and games like ETS 2 no way can be done on a smartphone at least in a way that will look any good on such a tiny screen with tiny keys. I would never buy ETS 2 App version. Yuck!

      I’d rather play that Desert Bus Simulator game and try to beat the world record there then to stare like an ##### at a phone all day.

      Those of us on computers as in all 100 of us left are on borrowed time and that’s an insignificant number for the big industry leaders who rake in millions of pounds £ which is why if you walk into a store chances are all you’ll see is notebooks at best but mostly phones and expensive tablets.

      Suckers think they are saving money on smartphones by not buying expensive computers but in the long run pay just as much if not more when they go app crazy.

  52. bravo pour le travail effectuer sur cette tres belle map . un gros default il y a trop de peage en France et en Italie . a peine lancer qu il y a encore un peage (sa serait plus reelle avec de grand espace) merci .

  53. a quand les grandes routes de glace de suede , norvege . et finlande merci et bonne continuation

  54. Witam niei wim co sie dzieje ale na najnowszym pa.1.18 w czasie 2 podrozy wywala mi gre Pomozcie

  55. good game

  56. TheBigOne

    I’ve gone back to Windows 7 and ETS2 works a lot better and a hell of a lot other things too especially turning automatic updates off which all are for phones and make my computer unstable.
    None of our family has Win 10 anymore so good bye Cortana!

    She is like the ex wife that doesn’t know when to give it up (not that I ever married her in the first place) but she seems to think so and act like it’s a love/hate relationship only in her mind.

  57. TheBigOne

    Broken links everywhere! Git off your smartphone and pay attention to reality! Candy Machine and Pokemon Go is not all there is to life!

    God I hope they don’t come out with Pokemon Gone where the character is gone by the time you get there and you have to run after it as it bounces around.

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