Trucksim žemėlapis v 4.5.9

Trucksim-Map-v-4.5.9-2 Trucksim-Map-v-4.5.9-1 Trucksim-Map-v-4.5.9-3

Trucksim žemėlapis nauja versija v 4.5.9

Autoriai: SCS Software, 50keda, FLD/TZ, kamaz, Reislord, valera_t, satan1990, Königszapfen, 2X2

67 thoughts on “Trucksim žemėlapis v 4.5.9

  1. I have v1.8.2.5s gold edition,and every time when I put any extension on map like this one for example,and when I come with my truck in that map extension,my game crash….can anyone tell me why is that happening?

    1. game crashes from Patr-Ancona could u do something?I draw a couple of thousands of km without any problems

    2. Same crash for me too when i put the mods game crashes

      1. yes LIAKOS me too it happens all time with me!! the game complaining the old trucksim map modifications , the game is v1.9.22 and it refuse to adapte old trucksim map v4.5.9 i need a map which compatible with my version help me pl !!! 🙂 thanks at all

    3. i have the same problem too

  2. no video

    1. a video from the tsm map ? how long should it be ? 2 month long ? lol .. take the map and play .. thats the best video for you … 🙂

  3. TheHDStrelok

    that if I have a saved game with the map v 4.5.5 and then put this new version and load the saved game?

    1. test it … maybe your truck will be send return to your garage .. but that i think should be all

      1. TheHDStrelok

        load the game and there were no problems everything went perfect and my trip was intact.

      2. old version out(4.5.4) and new (4.5.9) into the file and play?????

    2. i have got ets2 new updated game version (1.9.22)and i’m looking for trucksim map which bring into the original ETS2 map new cities across europe and north africa cities, and compatible with my version ETS2 🙂

  4. Why nobody can write what is new in this version why developers not make any changelog

    1. i tell you the changelog ….

      fixed bugs … and the warnings are delete from the old format of the PMG´s .. they are converted… so there are no warnings from the map 🙂

      1. REALLY?

        Mipmapping is not supported for npot texture: ‘/material/terrain/’.
        00:20:14.501 : Mipmapping is not supported for npot texture: ‘/material/terrain/’.

  5. drove alway to the point of delivery and the game crashed checked game log and there is a list a mile long saying nothing to activate

  6. c’est de plus en plus pour le desert de plus en plus se gave franchement

    1. DOMMAGE

  7. I have driven 339km, taken 3 deliveries, no crash, and I have activated other Mods included TSM Map 4_5_9

  8. que diferencia hay con el TSM 4.5.5???? Todo el mundo dice que corrije algunos errores pero cuales porque yo la verdad no note ninguno

  9. nice map but too boring

    1. oh yes the greatest map you can have .. but it is boring … take your life and get it out … rofl

      1. why so mad.and what is your problem?

  10. una pregunta por que no ponen en algunas partes del juego no leponen nieve y en las pistas fallas geologicas para que se vea un poco mas real ?

  11. Question , is it possible that this mod clashes with MAN TGA 18 mod , after I used this version 4.5.9 my MAN tuning is gone ..not all parts but some parts are missing , like roof led lights , side led lights and other …any chance that there can be a conflict ? Before I used 4.5.6 and everything was fine same mods nothing changed however with 4.5.9 seems that MAN is suffering something ?

  12. hello ! I am play map 4.5.4 version and its ok. Can i put the new map 4.5.9 without losing the progress game-profile??? If yes how??? Thanks

    1. it should be go .. you have to change the scs datas … the only what can progress is that your truck is going back to your garage and your actually trailer is reserved without costs .

  13. You deleted the tollgate.sii file, but the barrier remained below. Not detected only My truck in Africa. I put the missing file back and now I’m can paying.

  14. connes benoit

    boujour je cherche un liens pour telecharger la nouvelle tsm 4.5.9 si quel qu un peut me dire quels liens fonctions pour le téléchargement et pour décompresser des dossier ?? merci d avance

  15. connes benoit

    ok merci encore

  16. Comme toujours Fred à la rescousse 😀
    Salutations, ami 🙂

  17. RoadWarrior

    Has anyone had this problem? I got a load from Roma to Kastoria and the GPs sends me to the airport but there’s not point of embark or to travel to Kastoria.

    1. Crushed_profile

      Hello! RoadWarrior
      The bug has occurred in me. This is a bug that there is no gate of the airport.
      Result of the examination in various ways, this bug has occurred in both of Tobruk Airport and Rome Airport.
      It occurs in 4.5.5, this bug does not has been fixed up to version 4.5.9 of the current.
      By the way, there is no issue with 4.5.4a.
      I hope that this bug will be fixed in the next version 4.6.

  18. Works fine only thing i can t see the whole map or destination on the south part.Any1 ?

    1. you have a mode remove one by one it can be a truck or an addon you have to try
      good luck

  19. thanks man will try

  20. yes is working now real sound mode was the ‘bug’


    1. well the award for patience has found a winner..

      LOL 🙂

  22. keep the good work guys

  23. hallo ,
    ich bin neu hier und würde gerne wissen : ist das eine eigenständige karte oder wird die zu der originalen karte zugeschaltet also erweitert ?
    muß ich ein neues profil dafür anlegen und bei null wieder anfangen ?
    gruß Dirk

    I’m new here and would like to know: is this a standalone card or is the extends to the original card switched on then?
    I must create a new profile for it and start from scratch again?

    greeting Dirk

  24. 2.5.8 + DLC going east u need and don t have to start again just put in your mod folder activate it and ready:) safe driving

  25. matty jones

    every time i go near strasbourg the game crashes any idea’s lads?

  26. watch your game log file, there must be solution for crashing

  27. Is this work with the new patch 1.9.x? Amazing map 😉

  28. remingtonh

    We really need people willing to update to 1.9beta to test these maps and other mods to report compatibility. That would be awesome.

  29. This map id full of bugs :

    Sometimes it happens that during loading after you have choosen a cargo the game crash

    Some other times it happens that the environnment looks up side down (Tunis for example)

    Some invisible walls on the road…

    After 1339 kms on this map my game crashed and can not go ahead in the game anymore even after reloading …

    For inofrmation I do not use one mod , only the 4 files provided in the TSM Map 4.5.9 download …

    But anyway thanks a lot for sharing…

    PS : This map looks very very very much like the one on GTS done by Mario …

  30. Won’t work with the new update. Tried a new game with just the map in the mod folder, game wouldn’t start. It just crashed back to the desktop.

  31. we need new version of the mod for 1.9

  32. i have a noob question: can i use this map with promods map? (scandinavia)

  33. this map is compatible with Ro Map Add-On v3.0 ?


    voy a ver si me funciona


      voy a ver si me te fastidia tienes que dejar el num. de telf.para descargar valla timo

  35. este mapa es compacrible con la version 1.9.22?
    y si no podrian decirme como conseguir un TSM? por al parecer estos no funcionan con esta actualizacion por q no me ha funcionado

  36. hi guys,i have a big problem..,i run the game on 1.10. with TSM 5.0 and after i buy my truck i don’t have any jobs to do from my headquartes city,neither the most close town.What can i do?pls help me because i spend many months playng this game…tks

  37. I have the newest update of both ETS2 v1.15.1 and TSM map 5.3,,, Every time I try to drive through Ancona to catch the Farrie to drop a load in Bengazi the game crashes!!!
    Why is this???

  38. hamza agnagaye

    very coooooooooooooooooooollll

  39. Tomás Nazaré


  40. Tomás Nazaré

    brutal melhor ate hoje

  41. thanks

  42. thanks

  43. braave likloon maaaaaaaaarci

  44. kili momo


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