(EN) TruckSimMap 6.1 for patch 1.21.x

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58 thoughts on “(EN) TruckSimMap 6.1 for patch 1.21.x

  1. J. Cortenbach

    Thank you TSM team 🙂

  2. new link please

  3. Can’t download in this link!!

  4. Fill in the captcha (with me its click the open circle in the picture) and then you can choose from where to download (2 choices and it took me about 1hr to get it downlaoded)

    Thx TSM

  5. please sharemods link. Thanks 🙂

  6. TSM TruckBaecker

    This is just a capture code were you need to click the circle with has a open part. Just click it and you get 4 downloadhoster to choose. uploaded, uploadfiles. sharemods and share-online

  7. TSM TruckBaecker

    This is not our downloadlink!!!! Please don´t use it!

  8. thank you guerreiro better link always like tsm map great tuff

  9. can add 2 kind files downloading or just one kind all part in one for user who wish use one in all not 6 parts. Map modders can still 6 parts. Or I ask too much If jep then can remove this comment

    1. ok i ask too much I can understand reasons to make 6 parts so sorri me

  10. TSM TruckBaecker

    This is no link from TSM, please don´t use it!

    1. Hahahaha
      That’s what you get TSM idiotz, uploading files via shiit websites. You deserve it!!!

      1. Hahaha! Keep it up! Result: No more updates for Trucksim-Map. You deserve it!

      2. show some respect you ##### !

    2. heavygamer70

      there is a link, i have download it, and it works very fine.

  11. heavygamer70

    awesome, love the new map, thank you very much.

  12. Thanks. This link “http://uploaded.net/file/m8qdedj8” works perfectly.

  13. who install the TSM ? every time you try to access the game , you crash
    sorry for my english!

  14. how install the TSM ? every time you try to access the game , you crash

  15. how install this mod? every time you try to access the game , crash my game

  16. i enable the mod and on the loading screen gets 3 quaters of the way along and then crashes any one else know where i might be going wrong

    1. happens to me the same, some solution ?

      1. heavygamer70

        to kimmat: remove all old tsm folders, then put the 6 new folder in the mods, but put them all below, has work for me on this way.

      2. heavygamer70

        and NO OTHER MAP!

        1. Steam 1.21.1 game, no other mods, new profile, old tsm 6.0 deleted in the mod folder, but the game still crashes any idea ? go back to 1.20 ?

  17. @ nico. you f…man, respect tsm team..you can play free their map..###### kiddy

  18. Dragan007

    Not work on v1.21.1 for me 🙁

  19. Adriandelahunedoara

    Nice work! Keep it up!
    Next time you may consider to give a direct download link,not to some captcha or money sites…

  20. You fu**ers ! Respect the work of TSM team and use the link provided. If you can’t wait 50 min for to dowload this map you are little impatient sh*ts.

    Works fine on 1.21.1+ all DLCs + Rusmap 1.5.2 + Rus open space 2.3

    1. dannyhaya

      Can you plz give the right mod-manager order for the 3 maps?

      Thank you!

  21. Working for me so far , come on guys its just a map and game ,,nico should know that as he is a mapper him self

  22. Working for me so far , come on guys its just a map and game

  23. Great map!!!

  24. to TSM idiotz and their brain dead fanatic supporters:
    – if you want respect then learn to respect the players! Putting them visiting sites FULL of adware shows zero respect from your part.
    Just because you can make a map doesn’t make you a better person, you are just some dudes with too much free time too little wisdom.

  25. ricardo monteiro

    my ets 2 stop working with that mod, someone knows how fix that plase

  26. ricardo monteiro

    my ets stop working with the modm someone knows to fix that

  27. hello we need another link please ,that link is not works

  28. Nice job again,thank you,and ingnore all the bad words!

  29. Nice job again,thank you,and please ignore all the bad words!

  30. It looked awdome but, no way to display the business offer map, no way to make a quick trip to any garage… I had to get back to 6.0 :((( Any idea folks ..?
    PS TY TSM team, you’re doing a huge great job

  31. When i run the Euro Truck Simulator gives me error

  32. Works together with rusmap, however, the roads are not connected. You can ferry to St. Petersburg, everything else is fine

  33. Don’t work at 1.21.1s game crash when loading

  34. Yes, this mod crashes my game upon loading with no other map mods.
    If anyone knows a solution, please tell me and all others who have experienced this problem.

  35. game crash when arriving to tsm expanses wanted to go africa but crash in a south area dnt know what is causing this

  36. crashes my game… 1.21.1. Steam version

    no mods, new profil. Any issue ?

  37. fenomenu75

    quando esce la 6.2?

  38. fenomenu75

    When it exits the 6.2?

  39. Need help… my ets2 (steam version) crashes everytime with tsm… i only have going east dlc, does this tsm version need both dlc’s? The description above is not very explicit… If not, what can i do to solve this?

    Thank you

  40. There is a problem. ETS2 1.2 + TSM 6.1=Crash.
    NO others mods,only TSM 6.1,I have crash at loading the game.

    ETS2 1.2 works great with TSM 6.0,but not with 6.1.

    1. The 6.0 works great but have a problems with gas statios ( some parts are red) the 6.1 crahes 🙁

  41. Crash,bug,not work

  42. não existe este mapa ou esta modificado?
    é que ja não consigo fazer o download completo.

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