TSM 2.0 žemėlapis

Veikia su 1.3.xx
Authors: Trucksim Map TEAM
Harry Piel, merlinta Mario1962 Zeppelin3 LKWaner Streetsurferr1962 Mercedes Fahrer

Ačiū Freddy Jimmink


81 thoughts on “TSM 2.0 žemėlapis

  1. Freddy Jimmink

    38 neue Städte in Italien, Frankreich, Ungarn, Deutschland, Algerien, Tunesien, Marokko und Lybien
    Dieselpreise für jedes Land angepasst
    komplett neue Beschilderung in den von uns erstellten Teilen der Map;
    mehr Leben auf und in den Straßen
    verschiedene Startmodi
    viele Zusatzpakete, welche auf die Map abgestimmt sind mit Extrafeatures wie neuen Trucks, neuen Motorenprogrammen, Economy-Einstellungen, neuen Trailern und neuen Frachten
    Für das Spielen unserer Map mit den verschiedenen Zusatzpaketen sollte auf die Hardware-Anweisungen geachtet werden.
    Ihr solltet zur Installation einen leeren Mod-Ordner haben. Persönliche Mods können nach und nach eingefügt werden und somit auf Kompatibilität mit der Map getestet werden.
    Entpackt den Inhalt der Archive in Euren Mod-Ordner
    Legt ein neues Profil an
    Läuft ausschliesslich unter ETS 2 1.3/1.3.1, Kompartibilität mit ist nicht garantiert
    Spielstände aus der 1.X-Reihe sind nicht kompatibel
    Für die TSM 2.0-Map gelten die gleichen Hardwareanforderungen wie für ETS 2
    600 MB benötigter Festplattenspeicher
    Für das Spielen mit den Zusatzmods muss der Grundspeicher, welcher dem Spiel zur Verfügung gestellt wird, erhöht werden; dafür werden wir einen Guide in PDF anhängen
    Zum Spielen mit den Zusatzmods ist grundsätzlich ein System mit 4 GB Grundspeicher und einer Grafikkarte von ATI oder NVIDIA mit 1 GB RAM ratsam
    Für die Zusatzmods ist weiterer Festplattenspeicher in der Größe von 2-4 GB notwendig
    Alle Arbeiten an der Map wurden vom TSM-Team getätigt. Zum Erstellen der Zusatzmods haben wir in den letzten Tagen und Wochen wertvolle Unterstützung von verschiedenen Moddern der Community erhalten und werden sie separat unter den Zusatzmods nominieren.
    Wir machen unsere Arbeit aus Spaß an der Sache und werden sie auch weiterhin offen halten. Da wir aber öfters auf Spenden angesprochen wurden, suchen wir uns zzt. ein gutes Projekt im Tierschutzbereich, welches wir evtl. in Zukunft in ein Spendensystem einfließen lassen könnten.
    Have Fun
    Euer TSM Team
    TSM Map 2.0:
    Dies ist der Link zur Version 2.0 unserer Map, welche wir bewusst für Selbstgestalter auf ein Minimum an zugefügten Features belassen haben. Ihr könnt somit selbst entscheiden, welche unserer Pakete Ihr der Map hinzufügen wollt oder wie ihr sie mit Euren eigenen Mods ausschmücken wollt.

    Startmodus Mods:
    Mittelstand: Ihr beginnt das Spiel mit 100.000 €
    LINK: http://ul.to/yq3kties

    Superreich-Mod: Ihr beginnt das Spiel mit 10.000.000 €
    LINK: http://ul.to/h7nubhr8

    Streetsurfer’s Trailerpack für TSM-Map 2.0
    Mit diesem Mod fügt Ihr dem Spiel die bekannten Trailer von Streetsurfer hinzu. Zusätzlich zu den Trailern stellen wir noch ein kleines Firmenmod bereit, welches Ihr parallel und optional zu den Trailern installieren könnt.
    Um Streetsurfer’s Trailerpack zu verwenden müsst Ihr Eurem ETS 2 einen Mempool von mindestens 400 zur Verfügung stellen.
    LINK: http://ul.to/pj3loo3s

    Just-Play-Mod (Sorglospaket) für TSM Map 2.0
    Dieses Paket beinhaltet angepasste Trailermods, welche an die 200 neue Trailer bieten. Zusätzlich ist der letzte TC-Mod integriert, zusätzliche Trucks von der Danz wie der MP IV und der Axor, der Peterbilt 379 by Onixer, unsere Motoren- und Getriebemod mit allen Artikeln von Beginn des Spiels und zusätzlichen Chiptune Motorenvarianten. Ferner ist ein Firmenmod beinhaltet und die Economics sind dementsprechend angepasst. Auch der Actros von Womble ist in diesem Pack integriert. Zukünftig wird dieses Mod mit weiteren Paketen wie z. B. dem Truckshop von Maghetto erweitert und um einige andere Mods.

    Um dieses Modpack zu verwenden müsst Ihr Eurem ETS 2 einen Mempool von mindestens 400 zur Verfügung stellen. Ferner ist dieses Mod nicht mit Streetsurfer’s Trailermod kompatibel.
    LINK: http://ul.to/7uwqyywk

    Just-Play-Mod + Streetsurfer’s Trailerpack
    Dieses Mod beinhaltet unser Just-Play-Mod mit den genannten Features und Streetsurfer’s Trailerpack mit den genannten Features.

    Um dieses Modpack zu verwenden müsst Ihr Eurem ETS 2 einen Mempool von mindestens 600 zur Verfügung stellen.
    Dieses Modpack kann auf Laptops mit Hybridgrafiksystemen zu Problemen führen.
    LINK: http://ul.to/dn1eja86

    Dieses Mod hebt die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf unserer Map auf und ist mit allen Zusatzmods kompatibel.
    LINK: http://ul.to/5jvsawpj

    Diese Mods bewirken einen realeren Spielabfluss, da in die Economy-Dateien des Spiels eingegriffen wird, um gewisse Aspekte des Spiels zu regeln und realitätsnah zu gestalten. Hierzu folgen in den nächsten Tagen mehrere Mods, welche auf die verschiedenen Zusatzmodpakete abgestimmt sein werden.

    Hardecomod only for map
    Hardecomod for map + streets trailerpack
    Hardecomod for map + just play mod
    Hardecomod for map+justplaymod+streets trailerpack
    Schneller Leveln:

    Guide zum erhöhen der RAM, welche dem Spiel zugewiesen werden
    Dieser Mod darf nur über die angebotenen Downloadlinks geladen werden!
    Der Mod darf nicht auf anderen Filehostern angeboten werden!
    Support wird ausschließlich auf der Webseite des Teams >http://www.trucksim-map.com geleistet.


    38 new cities in Italy, France, Hungary, Germany, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Lybia
    adapted gasoil prices in all countries
    new signs done over the map build by us
    more life on the road
    different start modes
    many extra mods setted to run with the map like new trucks, more engines, more trailers and so on.

    Keep in mind:
    You have to start a new game setting a new profile, old savegames or savegames of the TSM Map 1.x are not suitable to be taken with this map. Updates aof 2.x will be compatibel with the new savegame.
    look at the hardware specs to play with the new map.

    Look to have an empty mod folder. if you want to insert personal mods with the map use them carefully step by step verifying if they are compatible.
    extract the stuff of the packaged files into your mod folder
    make a new profile
    runs under ETS2 1.3/1.3.1, compatibility to is not guaranted
    older savegames are not comaptible.

    Hardware specs:
    for the TSM Map 2.0 the same hardwarespecs as for base game are relevant.
    600mb free hdd space
    to play on the map with our additional mods it is necessary you give more ram to ETS2 at its startup, we will append a guide how you can set this.
    to play the map with extramods a system with 4gb ram and a graphic card of nvidia or ati with 1gb ram is needed.
    additional hdd space of 2-4 gb is needed.

    All work done on the map has been done by TSM-Team, for the extra mods other modders offered us to integrate their stuff in the extrapacks, we will nominate the modders in the extrapacks. thanks
    Have Fun
    Your TSM-Team

    TSM Map 2.0
    this are the links to our map, which we let on basical status and open, so that builders can fill in their stuff. if you want you can use our additional packs for the map.
    Rich: You start the game with 100.000€
    Extra rich: You start the game with 10.000.000€
    Streetsurfers Trailerpack for TSM Map 2
    this mod adds streetsurfers extratrailer to the map. in addition to this mod we made a little real company mod to use together with this mod. not to be used with the just play mod.
    To use this mod you have to add additional ram to your ETS2 at its startup. A mem pool of 400 is needed
    Just play mod for TSM Map 2
    this pack contains at about 200 trailers, the last tc-mod, additional trucks like the MPIV and the Axor from Danz, the Peterbilt from Undomer, our engine and all accessory free mod, chip tuned engines, a real company mod, adeguated economics, real logo for mercedes brand by Womble and many other things. In future we will add other things like truckshop from maghetto and other things. Cause using other mods from other mothers with their permition we locked the .scs of this files.
    To use this mod you have to add additional ram to your ETS2 at its startup. A mem pool of 400 is needed
    Just play mod + Streetsurfers Trailerpack
    Contains our Just play mod and Streetsurfers Extratrailerpack
    To use this mod you have to add additional ram to your ETS2 at its startup. A mem pool of 600 is needed
    No speed limit mod
    With this mod your trucks have no speed limt set.
    A guide how to assign more ram to your ETS2 game

      I cannot pick up loads from any new cities and also no loads are available to take their. My log comes up with loads of errors such as;
      ERROR> Missing company company.volatile.posped.rajka
      Company item with missing counter part in the economy!

  2. Is the mod with limiter?

  3. Yes, limiter is on 110km/h.

  4. Excellent…..
    But do u know if new profile needs to be created?
    Or can we run this from 1.5 tsm map saved profile with jobs available in the newer cities?…

  5. Kenworth W900

    I cant pick up loads from new cities , tryed to drive to Marseille , but no loads came up . also you cant find a load to the new cities, from the old cities( ex Hamburg – Marseille) And I also took the boat to north Africa , but I cant see the new cities in Africa

  6. is there anyway to make it go back to 90km/h?

  7. Bart van Ham

    Every new map needs a new game. Even it’s an update of another map.

  8. pleas move the limiter :O
    I hate to say it, but i love to drive fast, and 110 km/h is to slow for me ;D
    How to remove it, or make it faster?

  9. Kenworth W900

    I also discovered that I suddently have a dept of 400000 that i have to pay back , and I havent leant them 😉

  10. new link can´t open it

  11. There are many mods added from TSM Team for this map…. You linked only one. Have you ask permission??

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      If You’re writing to me: No i have not and it is on all sites so what’s Your problem?

      1. Because this is not complete mod, that’s why he asked. Dunno from where you get this, but it’s not complete.

  12. can you make the map. so you have the truck limited to 56mhp please?

  13. the game crashes with the following error message: “unable to get an empty memory block”

    where is problem?

    1. Because this mod here is not complete. It is only map, without any mods that should be included, and guides how to setup ETS2. http://www.trucksim-map.de/cloud/data/public/5da82aef3717d263bf4fc133c4bc0b2e.php?lang=de

    2. Sarkissian

      Try it with this parameter to the commandline in your ETS 2 shortcut: -mm_pool_size 400

      If that doesn’t work make it 600, or 800

      The TSM 2.0 map needs this!

      1. I tried to change the program line in the start icon and it will not change in the fashion of the way they say to do it.I tried all the ways i know of and still no luck. I use windows xp home and at times it is a different animal to make changes in. I have been running fine but very slow to load probably due to the memory size. Any other suggestions out there from XP users

      2. i try this but allways error “E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe”mm_pool_size-600 make sure that path and file name is correct..

        so what now?

      3. i use now that mm_pool_size 1200 and it work!

        1. how did you do that bro?can you please tell me the steps..i’ll wait for your reply.thanks in advance..

          1. release to memory: Click the link on the desktop with the right mouse button will turn on the appearing Windows window to the bottom and select “Properties”. “Target” is your installation. There must make your add memory. Example: I have a PC with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB of graphics memory. Invited me have the card and the biggest package (Just Play Mod + Street Surfer’s Trailer Pack) down. In this “target” window so I added this: “D: \ Games \ trading simulation \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ bin \ Win_x86 \ eurotrucks2.exe” mm_pool_size 1200 … I only had 4 GB Ram, I can enter the following : “D: \ Games \ trading simulation \ Euro Truck Simulator 2 \ bin \ Win_x86 \ eurotrucks2.exe” mm_pool_size 400 are the basic hardware requirements above in the description. But please carries ONLY the additional mm_pool_size a 400 and not MY whole installation path. THANK YOU. If done, the packages work carefree. (found this info by other web site)

          2. When you release the memory, please make sure that the text should not be copied, but must be entered manually

          3. thanks for the help bro.i’ll do it now,i will inform you if it works.cheers..:)

          4. sir i still can’t get it.it always says there’s a problem with the shortcut.how will i fix it.i’m sorry i have a low knowledge regarding to this..

  14. i play in steam… how that trick do then? 🙂

  15. If the OP knew anything about map mods he would know it will not work for earlier versions of the game if its made for a later version . All map mods that add cities require a new profile to be started as well . Old profiles will not work with them . This causes so much trouble and game problems when people add things on sites without being the actual maker of it and knowing whether they have added the full mod or part of it . If the site owner has any sense they will remove it

  16. how do I get the limiter to 90

  17. Enni just delete game.data from scs file. and you get 90limiter again.

    1. as I do that

  18. pleass make for version

  19. Also ich habe map 2.0 in v1.3.1 installiert aber mir erscheinen keine neue staedte in der Karte.Muss man vielleicht die aeltere map vielleicht loeschen und die neue 2.0 danach in den ordner Mods kopieren damit man die neue Karte drauf hat?

  20. Hello, please I have big problem. I think the big mistake is zooming map when when I want to take commission. Is there any way how i can repair this? Please answer me and sorry from my english. 🙂 Thanks.

    1. abasstreppas

      You have another mod that conflicts with the game_data.sii in the map-mod. Add zzzzzz in the beginning of the the file name of the map-mod and you shold be ok. This makes the game to read your maps definition files last in order.

      1. Advance thanks for fast reply but you don´t understand my problem. I don´t use mods (without your TSM 2.0 MAP) and i can´t zoom map when i search a commission (for example – i need zoom here but i can´t http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/ets200027w.png/ ). How i can repair this problem? I hope now you understand me. Thanks for your time!

        1. abasstreppas

          Ahh, now I understand. No, that’s not possible in ETS2.

  21. Elle est géniale

  22. The Map’s been great until I travel between Calais and Paris, the game crashes and I get this error message in the game log..
    .\management\base_ctrl.cpp(978): ?new_item@base_ctrl_u@prism@@UAEPAVkdop_item_u@2@W4kdop_item_type_t@2@@Z: Unsupported item type !

    I don’t have any other mods in my folder

  23. The map is great BUT it crashes whenever I want to go to a Volvo dealer and/or if I set Volvo as my favourit truck at the begining. It’s unplayable because of that.

  24. Neon Charge Gaming

    It sounds like you have a lot of mods on, which overlap each other causing it to crash

    1. Actually no. I’m sorry I didn’t mentioned this before but I only have the TSM Map v2.0 mod in the mod folder.

  25. To be more precise, in the game.log file this error appears to be the problem, but I can’t understand where it’s coming from.

    .\management\base_ctrl.cpp(978): ?new_item@base_ctrl_u@prism@@UAEPAVkdop_item_u@2@W4kdop_item_type_t@2@@Z: Unsupported item type !

  26. Well I for one seem to be having a very undecided day about this new map. So far I have found two roads that are not passible during a delivery.They seem to crash the game and with the guardrails up like a playpen you cant go around the problem. Its not on all roads but if you try to continue with the auto file saved during the crash it stop in the same place. I thought it was graphics, I went to lowest graphics-same problem. I think the problem is the designers did not do enough testing on their improvements it find the error areas, but let us do it for them. Thats not nice. I spend about 8-10 hours a day and I am not liking being a problem finder for the designers. Yes I like improvements but please test all the new areas you improve, some of us are only users not fixers. thanks for listening,waiting for update to map with areas fixed. Ps why are not some kind of markers on the map to indicate where you are at when it crashes? like mile markers

    1. I have an idea- lets find some areas that are unpassable due to game crashes. Here’s one- take a trip from leipzig with any load and drive it to praha using hwy 9 or small road from hwy 9 to leipzig. These two roads are always crashing the game even at 5 km. Do I have any takers? please reply TEDDYBEAR is tired of game crashes Thank you for listening.

      1. error in comment i meant to say from hwy 9 to praha not leipzig

  27. luxury map and fall as the original,
    good + details
    + physics
    – A street light

  28. its not crash cause its password protect..u just have fault on ur own computer.. and u can see it from gamelog.. and if u dont like DONT USE! atleast u should clean ur language!

  29. hmm im so tired so give me the pw so i can see something is wrong whit the trailer and map:( im yust tested the claas tractor and when i got in to osnabruk the game crashed 3 times. any idea ?

    1. 00:05:04.541 : .\m_manager.cpp(1226): ?alloc_mem@memory_manager_t@prism@@QAEPAXIPAVc_item_t@2@@Z: [mem] unable to get an empty memory block…

  30. Using Uploaded.net for file distribution is a big mistake. They disconnect frequently, have a limit on the number of downloads per hour allowed, and are broken when download managers like IDM are used.

    Having a mirror download site of decent quality is highly recommended. Until that is in place, there are probably a lot of people who can’t download your mod and it’s dozen or so parts.

  31. Finally i get my tsm 2.0 work!! atleast hour and no crash!! 🙂

  32. can someone tell me on how to allocate more ram on the game??please help me.my game is sufferin from lags and crashes..thanks.

  33. i need your reply please help me now.

  34. looking on scs forum site they are saying windows xp has problems running the game. I don’t think open gl is at fault when every time it crashes there is a (NEW) sign specially designed by the scs staff for this version as stated in the readme file. The next time the game crashes start it up again and slowly go to the area of the last crash and look to see if a sign is within the length of the truck! Out of my last 6 crashes a sign is always beside the truck.

    1. Yep. I’m using Windows XP SP3, but I never had any problems with the game until this TSM Map v2.0. I’ve used the -mm_pool_size 400/600/800/1200 and still it crashes. I’m frustrated because the map looks great, but the crashes makes it unplayable. At least for me.

      1. Im using xp sp3 but I could not get the addition to the start file to work. It wont take the -mm_pool_size 1200 after the .exe as in the explanation given. please explain?

  35. Well iv finally resorted to removal of 2.0 from the game. Im not wearing out my hhd by all the restarts.Hope someone does something because if 2.0 is not fixed why would i load up the next one by them.


    1. That’s true,the limiter is very limit to be speed on the way

      Sorry if i speak not good because I’m from indonesia 🙂

  37. Plz remove the speed limit!!
    110km/hr is too slow
    No speed limit is well than 110!!!

    1. please buy nedd for speed!

  38. Lars Aus Norwegen

    Funny, I dont have a single problem with the Map itself or any of the Mods.
    Seeing all the comments above, reminds me theres a lot of bad computers out there.

    keep up the fabolous job guys, and enjoy the fact that atleast one person runs it troublefree…. 😉

    1. bad computers ?? problems with mods have nothing to do with computers !! simply they have other mods that conflict with this one but you don’t have them !! see .. simple isn’t it ??

    2. Bart van Ham

      What people need to understand, is that if you want to mod your game, you have to know what you’re doing. Because with so many “half-finished” mods out there you have to be able to do some editing on your own to make things work.

  39. have someone go to Rome in this map?
    my friend said that when he tries to enter Rome, the game crashes, try again and still crashes

  40. the map makes no crashes

    this inept rookie Mod


    makes CTD

  41. Stephen Butler

    Could you help me? I have arrived in Marseilles and have got to the ferry port to transport me to Tunisia. Although the ferry spot is marked on the map it is not coming up in the actual game and I cannot park to board the ferry. Any idea what the issue might be? Thank you in advance.

  42. Do you want Multiplayer for ETS2?
    If we colect more then 1000 likes SCS will program it.
    Like this page:

    1. Bart van Ham

      good luck with that 😐

    2. IF YOU DONT WANT PLS SHUT UP!!! do something useful while and stop whining!

  43. well hard work, but sorry this is unrealistic, especially north africa, man Morocco does not look like this this ! it’s not in the middle of africa you know , you just heard africa you started to make desert and empty cities! and there are no mountains between rabat and casablanca, and there is no port in Rabat ! do some research next time !!

    1. play with original map if that is realistic to you!

      1. better than this #### !!

  44. luckily u got option take another mod.. why you whine here??

  45. no mediafire links?

  46. Hi I tryed all those maps and addons and I have to say your maps stink.I think you fu.. dont try those maps.There are so many CTD thats not funny anymore.The game crashes everytime when you load or just before you come to your destination,or while you drive on the highway,all the time.I have a highend Pc so its defnetly not myPc.So get this #### wright or take it of and stop tapping your self on the shoulder.

  47. the link is dead…!!!

  48. hello
    You map is cools, and I’ve played quite, But
    How I can edit your map?
    to make some repairs to my taste and add more things I would like to have. but I get error every time I want to edit.
    talk to me on my email please
    [email protected]

    1. How do I can do?

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