(EN) TSM Map Version 6.0 for Patch 1.17.x (State 5-15-2015)

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95 thoughts on “(EN) TSM Map Version 6.0 for Patch 1.17.x (State 5-15-2015)

  1. can you do uk as i have some citys in mind

  2. Can we use this map without DLC Scandinavia??!!

    1. TeddyBear

      “This map can be used at the moment with or without DLC’s.”

      Read the description.

      1. GamerLionfish

        Two questions for everyone:

        I.) Can you use this map with 1.18?
        II.) Can you use this map with ProMods map at the same exact time?

        1. Answer to your I question -> yes it’s working on version

        2. You were never able to play with Promods on this map.. Sorry about that but the road work was always different and they overlap.

        3. to answer to the second one no you cant use both tsm and promods at the same time

    2. Euro Truck Simulator 2

      si lo puedes usar sin el dlc ademas no te va a andar lag gracias por preguntar

  3. Requires DLC Scandinavia and Going east? is there any Version which i dont need any of the DLC’s

    1. TeddyBear

      “This map can be used at the moment with or without DLC’s.”

      Did it say you needed going east? No.
      Does it say you need scandinavia? No.

  4. what are the countrys video please

  5. Female Trucker

    Can we have a faster download please? 4hrs to download is a disgrace.

    1. Female Trucker

      I notice that even upto now the UK Number Plates are still the old one’s not the new one’s we currently have ! Why is this please?

  6. that will be your internet server

  7. not even hour downkloaded

  8. new downloadlink pls.. ! 4,5 h download is to much…… thx

    1. No 12 minutes on sharemods, it is just necessary to find the good link…

    2. JohnnyBoy59

      I did in 2 minutes downloaded 🙂

  9. New download link please!

  10. hi what countrys are inklusive? from spain up to norge finnland, and east to russia ? thanks for more info

  11. Download links don’t work for me… ;~;

  12. it only took me 11 minutes.

  13. it only took me 11 min!.

    1. the zip is broken

  14. Thanks to all the team !

    1. Just an Info from TSM’s website :

      “There are problems on the TSM map 6.0 in the area of the highway A3 between Düsseldorf and Duisburg.There an invisible wall who damage the truck when driving on the highway.We are already working – Mapfix follows
      Our apologies!”

      1. JohnnyBoy59

        That problem is al solved with a fix, see them website.

  15. Thanks TSM Team for map released, but removed Flensburg? I was placed the garage in Flensburg, so I think that if I play the game with this version, may cause a game crash.

    My thought is wrong? I have no ideas…

    1. …sorry, I don’t read the article carefully.

  16. It works with:

    Rus Map V1.4.8 (the last one)
    Baltic country map
    DLC east and Scandinavia.

    it crash with:

    Romania Map (Ro Map Ad on)
    IWR R5 (and the last release R6)

    1. Pooch.379

      It works w/ the last Rusmap?

      I didn’t think Rusmap worked w/ the new 1.17 or DLC.

      The rar of 1.4.8 I downloaded had two other files in it I didn’t quite understand.

      Something “r” and “nomera”

      1. It works for me. I’ve got both DLCs (East and North) + 1.17.x.

        I’ve seen on Trucksim’s Facebook that the map could even works on 1.18 but I didn’t try

        Here the Rusmap mod’s list who are selected in my profile:


        Enjoy 🙂

        1. Female Trucker

          Hi ACAB.
          Can you please tell me where you get the last 2 files for Rus Map please? As I had to take out Rus Map due to the map giving me pink windows in the buildings.

  17. yay the tsm is working i missed the tsm map has egypt and the other ones to

  18. dario sousa

    estou a ter problemas com o descompactamento do meu mapa alguém me pode ajudar? existe algum toturial? obrigado

  19. In Scandinavia water has no color! Please fix it to be perfect.

  20. E’ normale che le finestre di alcuni edifici sono viola??

  21. Mediterman

    TSM Map v.6 Map Fix download link
    TSM map 6.0 troubleshooting
    Fixed an issue between Düsseldorf and Duisburg.
    You download the Mapfix and must replace the .scs contained file.

  22. emil cernat

    Between Odense and Kiel highway is interrupted.

    1. It doesn’t work. I can’t see map of North Africa nor correct zoom.

  23. can you please reupload? download link is deleted

  24. Mediterman
  25. Thank you! I have missed my TSM map!

  26. !!! Great as allways !!!

  27. start a new profile

    XP must begin to zero?

  28. ###… thank to be so reactive… i can go to my favorites places like Casa or Tunis again… thank you so much for your great job…

  29. After 1 hour of gameplay, while I’m driving, the game is going in menu screen, I lose the job, it’s like I didn’t took it, this happened after I enabled tsm 6.


  31. ExperimentalTrucker

    Here is a delivery completed with the map……

    Picked up cargo in Taza
    Teleported to Uppsala
    Drove back & delivered cargo in Taza 3411km run

  32. тем, кому не нравятся LP англии, могут удалить все шаблоны, кроме этого
    ai_lp_template[]: “02 111”
    также надо будет удалить тоже самое из всех городов англии
    и будет вам счастье.
    those who don’t like LP of England, can remove all templates, except that
    ai_lp_template []: “002111”
    also need to delete the same from all cities of England
    and you’ll be happy.

    1. I need Map Fix download link :[ ,!!!!

      1. A “please” cost nothing… 🙁

        Here is the Link of the new version with the mapfix: http://sharemods.com/unj6e1f1goqu/TSM_Map_6.0.1.7z.html


        1. Thanks 😉

  33. WobblyCaptain

    I spotted something interesting while driving on this map in fact it was a UFO yes a flying saucer
    What the video below the truth is out their.

  34. ExperimentalTrucker

    Here’s another delivery completed with the map…..

    Picked up cargo in Gabes
    Teleported to Horei
    Drove back & delivered cargo in Gabes 3260km run
    (With the help of Russian Spaces v2.1)

  35. ExperimentalTrucker

    Here’s one more delivery done with the map……

    Tripolis to Cherepovec 5144km run
    This time, it is a bus trip
    (With the help of RusMap v1.4.8 &
    Russian Spaces v2.1)

  36. David King

    I have found out can not take ferry from trelleborg or gedser to rostock because when you head for rostock, game will crash. Seems silly to have to drive around to deliver a load in Rostock. Just wondered if you was aware of the bug. Thank you for a wonderful map really enjoy playing it.

  37. Does it work with the latest update?I think 1.18.1 version?Thanks for reply.

    1. yes it works with 1.18

  38. Game is not respoding on some places.
    Please fix it, because I can’t get to the destination I need.
    Or, if there is some program / mod can fix it, please reply and send me link or something.

    Thanks, Nick

  39. nice job !!!! obstacles in the roads .dont download it

  40. Excellent job and map! Thank you for sharing. Works in 1.18 with the following maps (ALL TOGETHER):
    – DLC Going East + Scandinavia;
    – RusMap_v1.4.9;
    – EAA V2.4. (don’t forget to download and enable also FIX for EAA V2.4!);
    – Baltic_Map_Countrys;
    – SKM Exteneded Map v1.8.0.

    It’s an excellent map and even if I found a few bugs in log file, till now I had no crash. Once again, thank you for sharing and keep up the great and hard work!

  41. have graphic problems when I come to Tunis and Algier 1.18. Any one who has that problem?

  42. Have Graphic problems when I come to Tunis and algier. Is there any one of you there has that problem? 1.18

  43. Hello Have a little problerm with tsm map 6.01 in 1.18 version. Hope there is someone who can help me or give me good advice. When I come to Tangier and Tunis I get graphics problems. Graphics Streaks across the screen. Is there a solution to this problem?

  44. Faelandaea

    I have for a long time used TSM maps. In the current version I only have a single issue:

    Model in old format detected ‘/model/ua/animals/marha/marha.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!

    There are a TON of these little animals roaming about, and it spams my game log like crazy that after a single drive I have hundreds of these to sift through when checking for errors. If it were a static model, I would fix it myself, but it is an animated model and currently Blender2SCS cannot work with animated models.

    Any chance for a fix? 🙂

  45. RusMap 1.4.9 doesnt connects to TSM 6.0 map help plz

    1. You must have 1.5 map rus!

  46. TheGreatAtheisto

    Crashes when loading

    00:00:14.582 : Loading traffic rule data ….
    00:00:14.583 : [unit] File ‘/def/world/traffic_rules.ales.sii’, line 13:
    00:00:14.583 : [unit] The unit name ‘traffic_rule.limit_10’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘traffic_rule_data’).
    00:00:14.583 : load_filtered_unit_array() – Failed to load units from file (/def/world/traffic_rules.ales.sii)
    00:00:14.584 : management\core_resource_server.cpp(568): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UEAAXXZ: Data error.

  47. Good night, up to version 5 for all ETS 1.15.1 Scandinavia towns were present, after the version for the ETS 1.16.1 cities are gone, could replaces them and add the Russian cities if possible, because I am currently playing and put a map with russia and this really cool ok.

  48. i downloaded and activated the tsm mod part and thenm loaded succesfullu the game, but i didnt drive yet because i noticed a strange situationthose tsm road are drawn to to trhe map but they arent connected to default area, why is that, is it something to worry about??

  49. Necrophilia

    Hi people,

    I used TSM map for long time and now i’ve a problem with this map. When i activated the mod, the text removed and the game crashed. Someone can help me ?

  50. there ist a mistake between Kiel and Odense (near danish border)
    the road to odense or the direction north did not work.

  51. Hello!
    My question to the creators a1.18.3 will be available to TSM Map?

  52. My question to the creators Eurotruck Simulator1.18.3 will be available to TSM Map?

  53. ma question est la suivante, quand je joue à TSM 6.0 et que j’entre dans une ville, le jeu rame un petit peu, et j’utilse le mod avec russ mpa et serpentine. Pourriez vous résoudre le problème de lag ??

    Et quand je sors de la ville, tout devient normal

  54. EuroTrucker

    I can’t fix the map scrolling problem,even though i have the mapzoom mod

  55. Bruno Éme

    Need to update map to be compatible with the version 1.19, because it blocks the traffic, you see less traffic in the roads, sometimes you drive for a long time and don’t see any traffic, please fix this and keep up the good work. Thanks.

  56. kuba procajlo

    what is the code

  57. nportegies skins

    TSM map does not update anymore.
    The website of tsm is 6 months not worked with.
    Is also no longer responded to questions.

    So think it over with the tsm directory.
    1:18 has also been no patch released

  58. It’s bullshit. Site works fine. who’ve said you about this? Team works about new version for 1.19. So wait…

  59. TruckerBG

    Why i have incredible FPS Drops in Africa ?

    1. clairvoyants vacation 🙂

  60. No response from tsm!!! 1.20 is here but still no response. Any how..is tsm 6.0 incompatible in 1.20? Cause when i active this mod in mod manager, all works fine but in cities some objects turned red color as well as gas station. Need help plz,…only this mod makes the problem! but everything works just fine. no eror.

  61. Hey, Can the MHA V2.0 Map work together with the TSM in ETS2?, I got the TSM Map but is it still working if i activate MHA V2.10 Map?

  62. it’s simple.
    TSM 6.0 is not compatible with version 1.20

    BrianK please write about that to developers of MHA 2.0

  63. wiktor2115

    is there any possibility of reducing the map because I do not see how you want to transport from another port to another port on the side of Africa

  64. wiktor2115

    whether it is possible to reduce the map view, because you can not see at all what the whole map aforementioned place as one travels

  65. please made horrible road in map mods

  66. PLEASE make compatable for 1.23x

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