UD Quon &Pertamina priekaba


Veikia su 1.3.1 versija
UD Quon galima rasti Iveco parduotuvėje
Priekaba pakeičia kuro cisterną

Modą kūrė:
Boncil Jozz : Nissan Quon
Kaidotaro : Priekaba Pertamina
Konvertavo – Kaidotaro
Tekstūra : SCS Software, Google, kaidotaro
Padėkos : SCS Software, Google, Oleg,AV_Mark,
Truck Simulator Indonesia Facebook grupei


29 thoughts on “UD Quon &Pertamina priekaba

  1. RegridasEST2

    kereeen mass broo…!!!!
    100 jempol dah ^^

    1. siip

  2. Freddy Jimmink

    Nice trailer, very nice, but locked and that is a pitty, my laptop will not accept this stuff, maybe an open version? You will get Your credits anyway,


    Freddy Jimmink

    1. MattNowear

      I agree with Freddy Jimmink. This mod is locked

  3. Sarkissian

    Can we get an open version! My PC also doesn’t accept locked files!!!

  4. indotruckers

    Mantap nih,download dulu ah.. tapi harusnya yang di replace jangan iveco mas..

  5. indotruckers

    Gan bikin Hino dan fuso kalo bisa sih jangan ada yang di replace truck luarnya hehe..
    sukses gan hebat!!!

  6. r32zabiser

    nice mod gan, lanjutkan….

  7. ini ngereplace mobil apa gan

  8. Please alternate link, I can’t download it from this link

  9. the truck & trailer is look great, I like your mod..
    but locked def is make user hard to merge with other mod, and make the game crash if have other truck mod/trailer mod.. (ex: peterbilt or other truck mod replace iveco and other trailer mod)
    so I think only few people use this mod..
    I recommend don’t lock the file in the def..
    only lock the model file if you affraid some people hack your mod..

  10. ManuBe1998


  11. indotruckers

    Tom: download on ets2-mod.com there are two download link in that website

  12. Sarkissian

    My wife is Indonesian, from Sumatra, Medan, I live partially in Medan, partially in Europe, I never saw a truck as clean as in your mod drive in Medan! They are all rust buckets there 😉

    Terima Kasih for the mod.

    Regards, Kodiak.

  13. why the …… there is Asian truck, but the new volvo FH series no ?

  14. indotruckers

    Bos interiornya ga masuk nih, spionnya kok ga kaya aslinya diliat dr interior ada disamping pdahal aslinya didepan jauh gt.. sukses bos

    1. traffico 🥺🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺 please

  15. wow, akhirnya nongol juga….congratz, nice trailer..

  16. seems that you are too!!

  17. alvan mahendra

    bos UD NISSANnnya bs shared yg buat versi pliiiiiiiiiiis….

  18. link locked #######!


  19. I can’t download it

  20. cra download nya gimana

    1. Amri Yahya

      klick link “download now”

  21. Aldy Truckers (Indonesia)

    I’ve downloaded, but why after I try on euro truck simulator 2 always crashes ??
    Please help!

    1. Amri Yahya

      ndak bisa di gabungin sama mod trailer lainnya bro,,,, itu locked mod

  22. plz make mod for 1.11 or 1.12

  23. ahmad fadli

    AHMAD FADLI. Salam kenal buat semuanya kami dari team jasadriver pengiriman unit truck ke berbagai daerah di sumatera dan jawa,unit yg sering kami kirim adalah unit truck jepang dan eropa. Jika di perusahaan bpk/ibu ingin memakai jasa kami tinggal di hubungi saja melalui 081398904444, email ([email protected]) :whicat(lubis_ucok) BB(2B079B8C) klo masalah tarif pengiriman bisa di bicarakan setelah tau unit yg ♏ªƱ di kirim, kami berdomisili di Jl.Raya P.Panjang No 27 Kp. Bungaok RT 004 RW 003 Kel Caringin Kec. Legok Tangerang Kode Pos 15820. Salam sukses buat semu.

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