Ukrainos žemėlapis


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Ukrainos žemėlapis su 3 miestais

Autorius: by_lexa


58 thoughts on “Ukrainos žemėlapis

  1. So realistic your the tree in the house ######

    1. lol

        1. scania man

          whats the mod for the camera to move when you accelerate, brake and turn?????

  2. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. @by_lexa. Please let us know what maps can or cannot be combined with your map. Thanks.

  3. DeineMudda

    the picture looks awesome.
    But 1,2 GB for 3 citys? Pls make a short review or show more pic 🙂

  4. I agree – screenshot looks awesome.But 1.2 GB for only 3 cities – that is unrealistic.
    Make some video and test compactibility with other maps.
    Greetings from Slovenia zak4862

    1. ###?
      ”unrealistic” because 3 cities have the size of 1,2GB?
      Uhm… How much GB does the city have you life in?! :’D


      1. LOL well said mate, good for a laugh, Thanks! 🙂

  5. be welcome with your new Map. We need a video from your map. I do not want dowload without proof.
    I think its a fake. Also please prove it….

      1. @Stagg

        Thank you for the video. It is Funny but not very serious. The colors are very saturate and 1,2 GB for this realy small Map is to much. I hoppe the next update will show up.

  6. Hello , gosh better be good for 1.2 GB . Thanks for the effort and let me test the map ,. do i need new profile or i can use with old one ?

  7. Scaniadriver

    1.2 gb could mean high detailed – but only three citys?!but pic looks good so please more info 😉
    possible to use with another map like promods or anything else?
    thanks in advance lexa
    greets from austria

    1. Imbecile learns(teaches) has to make a map and correctly the files of garbage

  8. 1.12 no goooood new profile game break

  9. crash map ets2

  10. 1.12 breeeeaaaak

  11. no goood

  12. I do not see here any reaction on the part of author. So this is the russian mentality, unrealistic and mobster.It is a fake…

  13. this map also known as battlefiels 2014

    featuring – josef putin

    1. Faelandaea

      ROFL@Baba. I had that thought, too, when I first saw the title. I’d make my own joke, but it’d definitely get things heated with political tension in this thread and we’re supposed to be a simulator community so . . . I’ll just grin and check the map for myself 🙂

    2. you mean vladimir putin or josef stalin???? :)))

  14. Faelandaea

    It takes less than 1 minute to download anything less than 5 GB (and my internet is FAR lower than average here), and less than 5 minutes to install it, configure a new profile (yes you should ALWAYS create a new profile for testing any new map, even if you plan to combine it with other maps afterwards). If you want so badly to know if a map is real, just test it. If you don;t like it, nuke the mod and profile and drive on 🙂

    I’ll test it and tell you all if it works for me, but that definitely doesn’t guarantee it’d work for you. Anyone who has downloaded any mods for ETS2 or any other game knows it is not possible for a mod to work for everyone.

    While I test this, I suggest 1 of you in particular work out your anger issues and tension. Trolling a single mod page this much – this site doesn’t give email notifications so the fact that you have been sitting there for over an hour and a half hitting “refresh” on the page to troll the comments says a lot about you, kid. ~chuckles~

    1. It takes longer to download, just saying.
      Not everyone has sucha good connection, ignorant guy.

    2. less than 1 minute for 5 GB?? Gimme some of your internet mate 🙂 this’ll take me a few hours to download :c

  15. Realistic? With grande and bomb impacts?


    Карта работает, вроде красивая.
    3 города это с гаражами, так больше немного.
    Но, вылеты через 5 минут игры!)))СRACH

  17. well downloaded installed it nd game crash straight away

  18. huuummmm…. something smells bad… :

    File: ______________..rar [1.2 GB]


  19. maybe there are only three cities left!who knows?.
    “roads are realistic and you can really feel atmosphere of Ukraine” Really,fear and the smell of cordite in the air lol.

  20. the fact is that the market needs more maps.

    I have found much fun personal to some private maps such as Hungarian Map by Frank007, MHAPro etc.

    I don’t like TSM at all. These hide behind a big façade as tall partners of SCS. This Map bored me and the developers are a heap of arrogant blockheads.

    We need more Maps.

    But this russians are not credible and this “ukrainean” to. Their mafia attitude isn’t European.

    Yes, we need a really feel athmosphere of Ukraine. But you’re here a big joke, by_lexa & co.

    1. MidniteTrain

      Well said mate.

  21. What’s the problem with you guys? Mine worked fine, crash free. You need to start a new profile, tick off all the files for the Ukraine map and change it from Europe to Ukraine.mbd

    SIMPLEZ! (Also i think the city in the middle may crash your game)

  22. the case is the detail, not the size, so the more detail the more size or bigger it is..

  23. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. Ok people, I going to take a big swing & ask this question due to what I’ve been seeing trying to test this map.

    Is this map even for version 1.12.1 of ETS2??

    Here’s what I observed so far….
    I followed @Moonzee’s comment & was able to get in loaded & started in 1.12.1. It crashed halfway through trying to get the 1st quick job done. BUT, what caught my eye after a few times was that the loading screen picture size wasn’t as large as the 1.11 & 1.12 versions of the game. The loading screen picture is the same size for the game versions 1.10 & below.

    So, I brought up my 1.10.1 version of the game and loaded it up there. The game starts & the loading screen says ‘Russian Map’ and I was able to start & finish the 1st quick job.

    Now on this version of the game, the gps isn’t plotting a route to the drop off point. So, I’m having to view the world map every so often. The red flag showing when to make the delivery is there so, it’s not really a problem.

    In conclusion, I’m totally confused when it comes to this map. I’m don’t have any idea where this map should properly play at but, I’m playing in version 1.10 of ETS2 & it seems to be working.

    If someone else has the time to test/research this map further, please do because, I’m not sure If all that I’m saying is fully correct. Bottom line is, for me, I’m able to play this map in a lower version of ETS2. If I’m wrong about all of this, then I’m very sorry & maybe someone can tell me how to properly play this in 1.12.1.

    After all this, here’s the result of 2 quick jobs. Remember, this is done in the 1.10.1 game version…

  24. these files r either corrupted or incomplete as it took less than 5mins anything over a gb takes anything from an hour to 2/4 hoursto down load plz fix this problem so I can download it and play

  25. Guys please show some respect for uploader. If You have any suggestions to improve this map, then go ahead an tell, but please don’t critic this map, because I think author by_lexa create this map only for one reason – FOR FUN!!

  26. Faelandaea

    Well as promised I looked into this map, and I agree with the comments above pertaining to versions of the game. Typically this is the result of using a heavily modded game to develop the map, so the author should have posted what mod(s) he was using when developing this map. Also, I have no clue why so many 1.10 elements are present here. Unless people are using cracked/illegal versions of ETS2, there is no reason not to be updating. ~shrug~

    The map does look promising though, and if these obstacles can be fixed then I look very much forward to putting in a lot of hours on this map. The detail is stunning. Just some of the code behind the scenes makes it hard to play on an actual updated ETS2.

    And to Emily – I think you may have misread the file size. It is 1.2GB, yes, which SHOULD only take 5 minutes to download even on an average ISP connection. If anything around 1 GB takes longer than that to download on your system, I’d seriously start thinking about another service provider. Cell phones download faster than that, now. O.o

  27. does it have any surface to air missile stations on loan from Russia scattered around the map??

    too soon??

  28. Map work and 1.12.1s version game, see the video:

  29. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Карта Украины Львовск продолжение

  30. It was the same for me, as it was for Moonzee above

    Do not choose the centre city as the start location

    I chose the city over to the right, and game starts

  31. Can’t get very far without crashing (1.12.1s)

    Last few lines from the log file:
    00:06:13.182 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/byandu/blocuri/bloc13/bloc13.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:15.329 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/_nowe_budynki/szpital_1.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:17.951 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/byandu/blocuri/bloc3/bloc3.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:18.017 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/byandu/blocuri/bloc6/bloc6.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:18.034 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/byandu/blocuri/bloc4/bloc4.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:22.955 : Model in old format detected ‘/model/new_magaz/magaz_6.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:06:22.955 : Model ‘/model/new_magaz/magaz_6.pmg’ specifies that it has zero uv streams (texcoord_width) yet it references them (texcoord_map) and there seem to be uv coordinate data available. Please fix the exporting tool used.
    00:06:23.044 : d:uild_botslaveinal_build_ets2_112uildprismsrcp3corecollections/arrays/arrays_base_impl.h(470): ??A?$array_t@I@prism@@QBEABII@Z: Index outside array boundaries.

  32. No good

      [email protected]

  33. This is not a compressed file!!!

    Despite the extention .rar is, in true, the .scs renamed to .rar and is in wrong/not zip and store format , so not will work on any version of the game

    1. maybe just need reupload compressing on correct format

  34. crashed game map

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

  37. This card doesn’t work for me.

  38. How to install?

  39. Es compatible con RusMap, Road To Black Sea DLC y Great Steppe 1.3?

    1. Nope, this map is standalone. And it won’t work on newer versions.

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