V8K Blaine Alcoa XFA2 Michelin Wheels


Modo turinys:

Testuota: 1.7.x.x to 1.8.x.x!

V8K-Blaine, BartvHam


13 thoughts on “V8K Blaine Alcoa XFA2 Michelin Wheels

  1. Lookin’ good Blaine & Bart .. im sure lotsa people will be happy with these specialy since the waiting has been long. Cheers for the good work 🙂

  2. link deleting or something else??

  3. pralk0suszarka

    They are beautiful, but both at the same time do not want to work.

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      You are probably supposed to use one at a time.

      I imagine that is why they are in seperate .scs files and not together.

  4. They are looking awesome! Can’t wait to test them on my R700! 😀

  5. Can you give link to the blue and white scania skin?

  6. Scaniadriver

    this truck is online here v8 blayne scania

    nice wheels – beautiful work.they will look great on my streamline 🙂

  7. Nice work. I would change the colour in the middle, but this wheels are locked.
    So it is not useful. Sorry

  8. This wheels are great. But i coudln’t Change the colour, beause the file is locked. So it is not so useful. Sorry

  9. where do you get the the horny skin ago by the red truck?

  10. Looks stunning!

  11. EuroTrucksUnite

    nice. where are the other mods and what not so i can get a truck like this??

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