(EN) Volkswagen Passat B5 Facelift V1

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25 thoughts on “(EN) Volkswagen Passat B5 Facelift V1

  1. FoxOnTheBox

    HD video tested on 1.28

  2. TareHDGames

    Can u make volkswagen golf 4 variant or volkswagen transporter t6.

    1. AzoraxModdingGaming

      no i do not do requests

    2. RebelCopyrights

      Then Whats your next car?

  3. jorgent97

    Hd test…

  4. <3 xD

  5. Wooow. Nice. U do my favorite car 🙂 But can u make in v2 real dashboard, because this dash is from audi a4

    1. AzoraxModdingGaming

      MK my brother has Audi A4 B5 and my dad VW Passat B5 and having driven both I see not much difference between the dash of both

      1. You are right it not much difference, but it be good, to have it 🙁
        Engines and sound is very realistic.
        You can see some difference in cd player, dash clock, steering wheel, etc…
        B5: https://www.google.sk/search?q=vw+passat+b5+dashboard&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqj_KGuqfWAhUCb1AKHTJrBGUQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=-AbjVrWRDL6jfM:

        A4: https://www.google.sk/search?biw=1920&bih=949&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=audi+a4+b5+dashboard&oq=audi+a4+b5+dashboard&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19k1.2958.5439.0.5966.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.3.389…0i7i30k1.xupzQkaq8Yc#imgrc=lAaUwEaySGUPEM:

      2. But it fine, to have it, because small difference is difference. Difference is in : climatronic, radio, dash clock, some buttons, etc. …
        And can you do working onboard computer? This things can be very interesting.
        Once I seen one passat b56 with a4 interior, but it is not very probably.
        But you do very good mods 🙂 Engines, exterior and sounds are fine
        Sorry for my English, I am from Slovakia 🙂

  6. Tomasz_Mr

    King and prince of polish village 😀

  7. Tomasz_Mr

    But I can’t open this rar file 🙁

  8. Uhm i didn’t hear new sound…

  9. That’s ugly on Skoda TSI and the TDI engine sound mod…

    1. harbiston

      i hope someone ban this ###### Kei, please IP ban this guy has 0 respect to mod makers and talks useless #### all the time on this page

      1. jeffjam94

        i was already waiting for this guy to hate on it with the exact same reason as the rest………………….

        turns out he or she can’t learn to do it better and at the same time he or she is to immature to accept that.

    2. AzoraxModdingGaming

      you know this car is TDI?

    3. Scooby123

      Your english is also ugly you fuckin kebab kid

  10. I am the author… this is stolen mod!

    1. AzoraxModdingGaming

      Renot no you are not! i have proof in my facebook group that i have worked on this and i have proof of a friend from GTA V modding that i even spoke to him of how to move interior from one car into another!

  11. Роман

    Сделайте пожалуйста BMW X5 E53

  12. Make a VW Passat b7 or New Tiguan

  13. Gabriel Faria

    Touareg PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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