Volvo VNL 780 perdarytas v 3.0


1.12.x – 1.14.x žaidimo versijoms

– Pataisytos klaidos
– Pataisytas GPS

Autorius: Malcom37


37 thoughts on “Volvo VNL 780 perdarytas v 3.0

  1. for version 1.13.3 fit?

  2. sorry have not looked at your site.

  3. why this truck has to be ruined by the paint job because letters come through the paint ..please fix this
    nice truck

  4. Freddy Jimmink

    Agree with Carl, i made a screen what is the problem

    It is really a very nice truk, works fine in 1.13.3

  5. kriechbaum

    Hi all,
    To fix this, it’s simple : just drop from version 2 to version 3 of this truck mod the “” file.

    This file is in : “vehicle/truck/volvo_vnl_780” folder.

    Hope this will help you.


    1. thanks!

  6. Freddy Jimmink

    Hello Kirchbaum,

    The truck is locked and the file can’t be changed

    Maybe there is an unlocked version??

  7. kriechbaum

    I will never put here a unlocked mod if it’s not mine. However i can give you only the “needed” file.

    Here it is, even if the mod is passworded, you can drop and put in this file in the mod.

    1. Ey Kriech! Do you have any updated mod of your improved VNL (I love the sound) for the 1.14? Your last post seems not to work for me. Thanks in advice ; )

    2. Hey, I hate to bother but would it be possible to add an 18 speed transmission to this mod since its locked and I can’t modify it and add values to existing transmissions :/

  8. i wish somebody would finish this truck off o he has forgot one
    bug wipers are still on working on outside truck

  9. i can get it in its protectet

  10. Freddy Jimmink

    Doesn’t work that way for me

  11. experimental trucker

    Hello. If possible, could someone explain why this truck is so difficult to skin with the different company logos that are available for other trucks?

  12. anyone can help me about to lower chasis peterbilt 379 i think is too high,,,,

  13. Freddy Jimmink

    Maybe You can use some parts out of thi version link the Volvo on sunscreen and sunscreen (chrome it self, mirrors and more?

  14. does anybody has another link? for some reason i can’t download from sharemods or uploaded, i don’t know why.

    1. thanks a lot man.

  15. I like how this mod never gets bug free…

  16. I have used the original version of this truck in the past. This version has problems with the hitch catching when backing under the trailer. Anyone else having this issue, and is there an easy fix?

  17. thx for sharing

    When I play in v1.13.4.1s I1 got this issues:

    00:02:30.999 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/582D4E616D65/save/5/game.sii) …
    00:02:35.314 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading ‘/vehicle/truck/volvo_vnl_780/vnl780.pmg’ with size 38198822
    00:02:45.384 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/582D4E616D65/save/autosave_job/game.sii) …
    00:02:45.451 : Game has been auto-saved.
    00:02:48.645 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
    00:02:48.893 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
    00:02:49.202 : [startup] spawned 8 vehicles
    00:02:49.354 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
    00:02:49.504 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
    00:02:49.551 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
    00:02:49.652 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading ‘/vehicle/truck/volvo_vnl_780/vnl780.pmg’ with size 38198822
    00:02:49.723 : [fs] Failed to open file \/material/environment/\ in the read_only mode
    00:02:49.724 : [resource_task] Can not open ‘/material/environment/’
    00:02:49.724 : [dds] Malformed DDS file ‘/material/environment/’

  18. I really like what you’ve done here. But one (small, or, big) problem.

    The fuel capacity listed in the truck is up to 800 L / 211 US GAL – even with this mod installed. It’s the same fuel as an FH with the 2 rear axles.

    A *real* VNL780 has 275 US GAL / 1041 L. That’s some fuel missing there. ( Reference: )

    That’s the ONLY qualm I have with this rig. Otherwise, it works great for me. If you can fix this, I would be so grateful to you…

  19. BoneShaker

    has anyone template for creating skins?

  20. where i can buy this truck?in what truck-shop?

  21. cool but how do I buy it im really confused

  22. Please password 🙂

  23. Hey man, some update from this wonder truck? thanks…

    1. Yes i was thinking the same thing..

  24. Will this mod work on ETS 2 1.16.2??? URGENT PLZ RESPOND

    1. Yes Tyler this mod work on v 1.16.2…

  25. Mr Larrington

    When I first installed it it worked fine. Then I installed RusMap v1.5 & Russian Open Spaces and it would no longer hitch up the trailer. Then I replaced RusMap with v1.4.9 and it started working again.

    Then I tried the IWR weather mod, and it stopped working, so I removed it and put all mods back exactly as they were before installing IWR…

    …and it still won’t hitch up the trailer! This is a massive annoyance as it’s my favourite truck so far; fast and quiet (I’m getting old and don’t want a truck that sounds like a single-cylinder Marshall tractor running on wood alcohol, thank you) and ideal for the Russian Open Spaces. But with the .scs file being password protected there’s nothing to investigate chiz.

    If I’m being picky the fuel tank is too small as well…

    1. Mr Larrington

      Well, I just tried varying the priority of the mod and putting it highest – right at the top of Mod Manager in v1.19 or dead last in the alphabet in previous versions – seems to have got it working again. It’s now on the way to Greece with a trailer attached.


  27. MEGHAN K.D

    It will be comfortable for version 1.18

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