Žiemos modas v1.7.0 + DLC + TSM 4.X atnaujintas


Testuota su: 1.7.1 + TSM 4.1.2 + DLC
Pataisyta fizika

Red Expert, petr.voltr


53 thoughts on “Žiemos modas v1.7.0 + DLC + TSM 4.X atnaujintas

  1. Frode Skibrek

    Is this ONLY for TSM ?

    1. Dude, can’t you read what it says?

  2. Video??

    1. petr.voltr


  3. petr.voltr

    works without maps TSM

  4. petr.voltr


  5. i used the older version, it’s nice set also i use with Promod Map and some parts of roads are not with the snow so no snow effect, it make it good ( like some part of the road network as been cleaned off snow)
    you could add parts where the road is just ##### and give more or half drift effect etc…
    i know these mods are lot of work, it’s just an idea.

    1. there you can see on 1.7.1 + DLC + promod http://www.flickr.com/photos/90639903@N04/10904195244/

  6. I like…fact

    and I need no video

  7. petr.voltr

    thanks 🙂

  8. TruckerGuy135

    What do you mean + DLC? does it mean its compatible if you have it?

    1. petr.voltr

      yes it means that it is compatible with DLC

      1. TruckerGuy135


  9. Endlich einmal ein wirklich gelungener Wintermod. Sehr schön und einwandfrei. Danke.

  10. I suppose that is the version 2.


  11. there are 2 files! red expert 2013- and winter mod light ve. do we use both? or just one of these. could you clarify please.

    1. petr.voltr

      oba soubory

      1. petr.voltr

        both files

  12. dead links ?

    1. petr.voltr

      link is fine 851 downloads

      1. petr.voltr

        link is fine 1536 downloads

  13. guy’s stop ###### moaning and try it your self’s people have took the time and effort in making these for us all and all yea seem to do moan like ###### women

  14. it is normal with that mod I can barely go over 80kph with light trailer ? I have 750hp fh16 and 100hp scania r2008

    1. petr.voltr

      90kph is not a problem
      Volvo FH16 750
      Trailer 23t

      1. it a problem for me … i need to push realy hard to go to 90 … with light trailer normaly I can easily go to 90 even while on sharp hill … but with the mod i feel the truck very not so powerfull it take realy much more power to go to 90kph

        1. with 25t trailer i cant go over the 10 speed without loosing speed

          1. petr.voltr

            mod does not contain the speed limit

          2. This seems to be a problem with all the snow mods. For some reason the slippery road traction setting is locked into making a whole lot of movement resistance like trying to drive through snow 3ft deep. Maybe someday someone will figure out how to separate the 2 factors.flip

  15. would you mind uploading it somewhere else?
    24kb/s is not very fast. 😡

    1. petr.voltr

      prohibition reupload

  16. Does it work with Scandinavia map ?

    1. petr.voltr

      I have not tested

  17. errick_dannyel

    In all winter versions the road are shining like sun! Can’t you guys make a mod were the light from the truck and lights from sun and trafic to looked like a normal light on winter road? I can tell that this roads are not in 3D format, in 1min I make a road like this but it didn’t looking good! In rest its awesome!

    1. petr.voltr

      Do not you in fact not hinder

  18. you can’t go 42 miles per hour in snow in real life. which i can do in this mod.

    1. you can in a truck, I have gone 70 MPH in a truck in real life in the snow

      1. in a car too ! if the road a good we can go at 90kph in a simple car if we whant here in quebec ….

  19. any mirror for this mod? please 🙂

  20. ###### mod. Must be very slippery snow, beacuse everytime i steer, the truck is drifting.

  21. ###### mod No ###### commentaire yes…
    quelque petit defaut sans plus…
    bon travail et merci Petr.Voltr pour ce partage

  22. hi wer schwiehrigkeien hat im winter mod die steilen berge hinaufzukomm,,sollte sich schneeketten mod reintun,,es hilft habe ein schneeketten mod drinn es ist sehr gut..der der winter mod ist doch sehr gut gelungen,,warum so ein aufstand ehrlich mal

  23. so ist es nun mal in wirklichkeit auch rutschige straßen,,also hört auf rumzumekkern

  24. Kann wir einer helfen suche Schneeketten für Winter-Mod v1.7.0 + DLC + TSM 4.X .

          1. petr.voltr


            autors: ?
            tested: 1.7.1

  25. why the weather is always above zero???

    1. Why the snow is always white? Why the night is always dark? Why the wheels are always round?
      Play it, don’t play it, or make a better mod yourself.

  26. gwadacaps06

    when I zoom map the game crashes
    and map red don’t work

  27. To get it snowing just figure out how that works and there u have it it might run on different engine and physics but on the right guys and tools its doable

  28. Charlibidou

    It make the trucks way too slow, and the trucks stay slow even the mod deactivated. Do not download this mod, it will ruin your game

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