Žiemos modas

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Autorius: Nico


Testuota ETS2 v1.2.5.1

Rekomenduojame atsinaujinti žaidimo versiją prieš diegiant šį modą.

Modo ypatybės:

Šviesos įsijungia 17:00, išsijungia 9:00
Tamsu nuo 19:00 iki 7:00
Temperatūra vilkike nuo -10 iki 1 laipsnio.
Visi keliai, kraštovaizdis pakeistas į žiemą.
Pridėtas sniego garsas.
Pridėti efektai padangoms.
Pakeista vikikų fizika (Vilkiką vairuoti paprasta, tačiau reikia būti ypač atsargiam, kad nepaslysti)
Pakeisti kompanijų pastatai
Pakeistas Intro
Pridėtas tikroviškų kompanijų modas Real Company Mod v1.1.

17 thoughts on “Žiemos modas

  1. if i got it in 1.3.0 will it effect my game?

    1. matthew bunting

      you may have proplems starting your game if you do have any problems contact me on [email protected] an i will get back to you

  2. 18 Wheels of Steel

    Unfinished mod. Half hour of playn and noticing that snow is everywhere, in tunnels too. Traffic light is turning on very late, maybe hour and so after dark falling. This mod better be named ice age 😀

  3. This is the best snow mod i have seen to date on all the truck games.The wind sound a little bit of overkill.
    would it be possible to make this mod with a little less traction, but not to the point the automatic is unusable as in an other snow mod. Its very close to being a snow driving trainer mod!, but too much traction for the reality driver in some of us, who do not look for a racing snow version. I still use the other mod for rainy icy driving also since it rains not snows when it storms. Only some suggestions. You did one top notch in total appearance efforts and I give you a 5 star rating on this one even if it snows in the tunnels!

  4. plz add ETS2 map v.3.1 snow edit.goba6372 or ETS2 map v.3.2 snow edit.goba6372 or ETS2 map v.3.3 snow edit.goba6372 tanx :X 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment. And yes, the sound is a bit too high pitched which I will fix in the update.

      And the snow In the tunnels. Im afraid I can’t really fix that. I will try but I won’t promise anything.

      1. its a very cool mod !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i don`t like the noise in the cab

  5. Agust Ingi

    when i download chrome always says that it was a download error!! What am i suposed to do

    1. Switch to IE? Even though it takes ages, it might work, or even try Mozilla.

  6. MOD works great! no crashes so far. i like it better then the other winter mods just cause i actually can control the truck and im not wasting hours of delivery time trying to go up a hill.

    Great job with this mod!

    1. cold2.4.5 minecraft

      its a very very cool mod::::::::

  7. executable… gl

  8. NUOSTABU!! Labai geras žiemos mod’as man patiko! 😀

    Kurk daugiau tokių modų! Perfect

    10/10! ;]

    1. diekiller

      MOST ###### unstable mod ever

  9. cau mam verziu ets2 v 1.5.2 a pojde mi to poradte

  10. this mod is terrible it dosent support the new 1.26!WHY WHY

    1. diekiller

      you know it says in the description it was tested on 125 not 126.

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