Lautus grafika ir orai


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Perdarytas Sweet FX modas bei pakoreguoti orų nustatymai.




37 thoughts on “Lautus grafika ir orai

  1. I will try this, although i think it’s way too much color.I probably will reduce color in my nvidia settings.

    Your excellent sweet fx is simply beautiful, i’m running this standard now.

    How about the improved weather mod, do i need to deactivate this?

    1. Mmmm, tried it out and the colors are actualy very nice..

      What do i need to do with these mods i have running??:

      Realistic Lighting

      Thanks for sharing your work.

      1. Hello) Thanks for your comment. I think, you should deactivate Improved_weather. Because my mod should be at the end, and then all the lights taken from it. You can leave HDR_FIX, cause i dont configurate hdr.

        1. Yes, i deactivated the improved weather mod and kept the rest in.

          Great job man!

          Everything just look effing amazing.

          1. Many thanks))

  2. it will not fps down or something?

    1. nope, it won’t…

      And i still run this game on win xp, amd athlon 64 X2 dual 4400+, 2.21 GHz, 2,75 GB, 4 gigs of ram and a geforce GT 240..with medium/high settings.


  3. Yeah, right...

    Another one of those useless sharing-services…

    “Exceeded file download limit. You can only save it to Yandex.Disk.”

  4. Hello, The downloading is slow. And says exceeded download limit. Can you please update it on other host? Like or uploaded…?

  5. Some of the colors in your SweetFx as well as other effects are indeed pretty nifty,but for me,makes all the in-game *text* all the writing blurry,not necessarily a down put not a plus either.Not sure what’s what,but it’s been going on since i installed this mod. All in all,doesn’t look bad,but i still can’t trust a man who drives a Volvo ( specialy if it ain’t classic one ) and running about with a horrible sound mod as well 😛

      1. Well bud,thanks for that .. but .. i have no clue what to do whatsoever,wich mean it could’ve been written in chinese and id still understand the same 😛

        1. laurentiu824

          Lucian,il descarci si trebuie sa-l copiezi peste folderul SweetFX_settings.txt

          1. Da,nu i chestia de instalat,asta e nimica toata,doar ca imi buleste ceva treburi,in loc sa *netezeasca* suprafetele,devin mai pixelate,la fel si scrisul. Modul de mai sus e bun,celalalt nu ma inteleg cu el.

        2. laurentiu824

          da am avut si eu de lucru cu el ieri,pana la urma l-am rezolvat cumva,acuma pot juca cu el mult mai bine dar inca si acuma m-ai am de facut ceva setari la el,daca vrei incearca-l pe al meu.uite-l aici

  6. Question, This Is An SCS File Which I Assume Goes Into My Documents Mod Folder. Does It Still Need SweetFx?

  7. Does It Work On v1.8.2.5 Too?

    1. Yes, it does.

  8. laurentiu824

    94.8 mb downloading in 3 hours.###,those people did”nt hear it about fast,good and most used share sites?

    1. laurentiu824

      thankyou man,and it was downloaded in 28 sec 🙂 not 3 hours :)thankyou again

    2. Yeah, right...

      Cool… Thanks, dude 😉

  9. NON_Steam_PLAYER

    hi……were can i put the SweettFX? … very confuze……please help me! …thanks

    1. laurentiu824

      in your program files x86 scs softwer, euro truck simulator 2,bin,win x86,and you copy all files from sweetFX there

      or if you have a steam version then is : steam,steam apps,common,euro truck simulator 2,bin,win x86,and you do the same,copy all files from sweetFX there

      i hope i helped you 🙂
      have fun

      1. NON_Steam_PLAYER

        Thank you so much!

        1. laurentiu824

          you welcome 🙂

  10. Conflict with Kenworth Long.

  11. apferreira truckman

    I once installed a mod locked improvement pictures and stuff, so I never do this, spoiled all my video setup, now I can not see what this mod does not change in my setup install, this is a danger that I will not run again.

  12. laurentiu824

    i just tri it and its working fine,its true i got back form patch 1.9.2 to for the hungary map,but its working fine on

  13. how to fly in the sky??

  14. What Map did you use?

    1. Hungary map)

  15. 00:00:07.935 : [zipfs] Cannot find the zip_central_dir_end signature in ‘C:/Users/kris/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ЯяяLautusGraphics.scs’.
    00:00:07.935 : Mount failed: C:/Users/kris/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ЯяяLautusGraphics.scs

    any ideas?

    thx in advance

  16. Rodgeydodge

    This looks amazing I have used your sweet fx mod…which is awesome the best I have seen cant wait here to see your weather …with your sweet fx I get 10 more fps thankyou running on ultra graphics using a hd 7790 radeon getting 40 to 60 fps awesome keep up the good work… thankyou thankyou

  17. renaulthater

    the password is lick my…

  18. “Exceeded file download limit. Downloading files is prohibited”

    Fix it plz..

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