Malcolm garažo tekstūra

Malcom-Garage-Skin-1 Malcom-Garage-Skin-2 Malcom-Garage-Skin-3

Malcolm didelio garažo tekstūra

Autoriai: Millsyb, Pete379jp


31 thoughts on “Malcolm garažo tekstūra

  1. this is totally unnecessary and 90% do not download if the files are provided with a password -.-

    1. James_Hellfire

      Us skinners lock work for a reason. To stop cunts claiming it as their own

      1. The-Watcher

        but James “hellfire” Thomsett your also a known mod hacker 🙂 hypocrite :)many FB groups have named and shamed you because they know you too keep that cakehole dumb muppet.

        1. Maticus1999

          same here im shamed on that for doing nothing, apparently i made fun of his dead daughter, and i have proof to prove that i didn’t, and that excuse of a page community, but if we keep out of this apauling pages we will get on with most people, anyway, nice work brett, also i know james and brett and they are NOT skin hackers, good day

        2. The-Watcher

          lol i aint in no VTC but i know who you are and i never said u stole mods,read it right i said you were named and shamed for hacking mods.

        3. James_Hellfire

          Which is the same as stealing mods, actually. I’ve done nothing wrong, if you care to prove otherwise, take it to my inbox and I’ll happily sort it out, eh?

          1. James_Hellfire

            Good one mate, I’m currently learning to mod in Zmod3, so if you’ve got a problem, take it to my inbox. I can easily show you what I’m working on doing. The community is not safe with cunts like you around, actually. Grow up you pathetic child. Once you’ve got proof of me stealing mods, show it. Until then, sop running your mouth off

          2. If you fear that the mods are stolen, which also needs make none.

            so is the internet now times. if you mod your discovered, but where another author is then reports the side.

        4. The-Watcher

          oh well everyone just be aware of James Thomsett he will hack your locked mods.

          people like him get named and shamed for a reason.

          the ETS2 modding community is nto safe whilst people like him are around.

  2. Hi
    Give wheels link , Red/white Bridgestone ? Pls

  3. Please make one for Eddie Stobart.

  4. Threassaw is right : Why are htese files locked ?? Nobody can make it with its own scheme color … it’s a shame .

    Next time release with open templates at least !

    No thank you because it’s like you force people to have YOUR COLOR .

    1. Maticus1999

      as, can I add if you search garage, you can find the original which is UNLOCKED, have a nice day

  5. ets2 skins

    Come on leave millsyb Alone all he trys to to is make Great mods for the community and All you do i complain if it wasnt for Skinners like Hellfire Millsyb you wouldnt have great Skins Millsyb is a great person and with all the work he puts into everything i think he has the right to Lock a mod


    1. James_Hellfire

      Well said, this is why me and Millsyb have had enough of doing this for the community and getting #### back. Hence why we’re going into private work for people that give a ####, unlike ungrateful cunts that have shown their face on here, to try and claim work as their own.

  6. well said ets2 skins stop complainig or you do better make your own i used do skins etc but the #### certain people put makes it not worth it ok fair critisim is fine but what some guys come out with aint right at all i now just do skins for pvt people who appreciate it. so millysb keep the work up friend and carry on with your mods sod those guys who dont appreciate

    1. Cheers mate


    link for you moaning gits t make your own and james dont blame you going pvt i have

    1. James_Hellfire

      Yeah mate, me and Brett are going private, too many ungrateful people in this community, remember when UKTS and GTS communities were around, those were decent

      1. Maticus1999

        I know the feeling !

  8. should set our own site up me thinks n limit the folk on it

  9. Right, lets sort this #### out, you don’t like how I lock my work, don’t download it. Simple. If you’ve got proof of James hacking, show it. This community has REALLY gone to #### now.

  10. James_Hellfire

    That’s my rant over, I may as well just leave this community, and stick with making my own mods and skins from now on.. Not to mention keeping a close band of mates that care about the community

  11. Rather than have a bash at the skinner, look here

    Skinned from this and is locked to stop modifications without asking

  12. It’s sad and pathetic to see this kind of whining about modders who do such high quality work. Especially modders who just give their work here and dont get involved in all the ###### petty nonsense that fills so many download threads here.
    Seriously, if this particular mod isn’t exactly what you hoped it would be for your own purposes, a very quick search would get you what you personaly are looking for.
    Why do the rest of us have to see so much of this pathetic ranting? Just find the stuff that fits your particular needs, it’s there, just look…instead of mouthing off like entitled little brats about anything that doesn’t.
    You’re turning this community into an embarrassment for those of us who just want to enjoy the sim, and modders who just want to contribute their work to let us enjoy it more.

    1. Sol, I would think there’s more than a few people on here that agree entirely with your sentiments and I certainly am one of them. You’re also correct in saying some users are turning this community into an embarrassment. Well stated bro…

  13. moondog2858

    Thanks for this Millsyb.UK Truckers Rock.

  14. skin is great,
    adaptation options = 0

    if you ask me so interested that do not who made the mod. but its when one thinks he would have to say it was actually mod it is of a completely different, which itself is ######

  15. Well said sol moondog threassaw and the other guys who appreciate the work modders n skinners do i used to upload skins here i now do them pvt for people who appreciate the time and effort that goes into it. The reason i stopped uploading etc was down to one guy on here but no doubt he is back under a different name but forget that as im sure alot of you guys know we cant always get the correct shade of a colour on liverys due to copy right etc nor can we do certain logo exact as they are on trucks but try as you might folk will knock it and call you for it. But my self having been a truck driver driven hgv class one and low loaders etc and also mechanic on them but unfortunately cant drive now because of my health i enjoy a new hobby makin skins etc passes time while in recovery from cancer and tumour etc and folk dont realise the effects of this illness it has on folk abilitys to do things that people take for granted they just knock us. So what im saying is along with millsby brett etc above im going pvt guys and when i do skins i only ever put at bottom if you want donate a pound or a euro to macmillian or air ambulance in uk great other than that nothing a problem but you have to thank some lard asses on here for spoiling it so if millsby etc wants drop me a note im happy work with you guys n got a few ideas cheers ian

  16. Double Clutch

    I can’t mod and won’t pretend. And i like the work that others do-because it makes the game better, if i don’t like a mod i go to the next. It seems to me a lot of little kiddies troll on here, so don’t even pay any attention to them–Hell there parents don’t.
    Just keep modding.

  17. All i can say is people need to respect other people’s work i cant mod to save my live that is why i use this site but with this sort of attitude against each other is making it harder for people to trust the communitysite’s. I for one will stop using free sites if anyone can give a valid site what take orders i will pay so i can enjoy the game knowing that my mods are paid for and that there are no people bitching with each other about how owns what or who made it.
    The community needs to stand up and say enough is enough and stop all the people who are destroying the community.
    And another thing SCS they can stop all people from modding ETS 2 which would make the game boring i for do not want that so please respect each other and there work i have said my peace like it or not i don’t care.

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