Panaikinta žala v 3.0


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Modas panaikina vikikų žalą

Autorius: Ayoub Systeme DZ


3 thoughts on “Panaikinta žala v 3.0

  1. Takes the purpose of the game away…..

    1. Anonymous one

      I agree with you, it takes the purpose of the game away, meaning the purpose of the game that you have crashes even if you’re very very careful. Tell me how many long (high revenue) journeys have you had in the game arriving with 0% 0% damage? I’ve read comments that there are always many cars/trucks crashing your truck and trailer.
      Now I ask to real world truck drivers: how many crashes have you in a week in the real world?
      Having no-damage may not be real. But having many crashes in a week is less real.

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