Pieno priekabos

actel danone

Versija žaidimo: 1.11.x
Tinka su Jazzycat’s modais

Priekabos: Satan 19900
Tekstūros: Fred_be


7 thoughts on “Pieno priekabos

  1. Thanks Fred ,as always nice skins and new type of trailers .

  2. Thanksz

  3. more from the best thanks fred

  4. super joli tes remorque continue comme sa

  5. Nice skins, but Milk without a cooling system? 😉

  6. Wow nice pack trailer !!

  7. Hi, thanks for your great mod but i think there is a little problem and sometimes the game is crashing I’m not totally sure if its coming from your mod but if you could take a look at this:

    00:31:56.541 : [fs] Failed to open file \/def/vehicle/t_wheel/trailer_new_narko.sii\ in the read_only mode
    00:31:56.541 : [fs] Failed to open file \/def/vehicle/t_wheel/trailer_new_narko.sii\ in the read_only mode
    00:31:56.541 : [fs] Failed to open file \/def/vehicle/t_wheel/trailer_new_narko.sii\ in the read_only mode
    00:31:56.588 : [fs] Failed to open file \/def/vehicle/t_wheel/trailer_new_narko.sii\ in the read_only mode
    00:31:56.592 : load_unit() – Failed to open file (/def/vehicle/t_wheel/trailer_new_narko.sii)

    I thought of your mod when I saw this:


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