(EN) Schmitz Universal

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10 thoughts on “(EN) Schmitz Universal

  1. errors, errors and some more errors in the log……..

    1. lordmodets2

      Ok, do not use the mod, thanks for the comment.

  2. till this error are not fixed, sure not. many errors = lower the performance of the game. simple it is.
    your answer could be also like…

    oh yes, sorry, we not seen that. we will fix it next time

    but its not my problem. you did a lot of work, but not well.
    i lost about 5 minutes of my life time. i can life with that.

  3. lordmodets2

    First: if you have a real intention to help, would not do it ironically as you did in your comment “errors, errors and some more errors”

    Second: And everyone well informed knows, the current ETS2 Studio is out of date with the current ETS2 patch, until it updates these errors will appear.

    Third: Do not be offended because you know you want to be ironic instead of helping, at least be man and admit it OK.

    Fourth: (now I’m being ironic) if you did not like it you’re free not to use, OK …

    1. testing has to use the definitions of the old cargo transportation system (the original ETS2studio)
      perhaps solve the problem, and you find even the angry friend
      otherwise here
      in the bottom SmellyCat comments explained a problem

      1. lordmodets2

        Thank you, zozo, for the help, it seems that this problem is occurring until the older dlc’s, log error messages did not appear, only after the update started with the 1.26xx patch, I hope that SCS corrects these small problems

      2. lordmodets2

        I like your comment this page, very good.

  4. lordmodets2

    Tchau ! …

  5. first:
    i am not a modder. i know nothing about tools, and i don´t care if they work or not. that´s not my job.
    but i check my logs after every new mod i will try, and your pack give me reds, tons of reds. and not only once while reading, all time long.
    and thats very bad.
    so, if you know the tool dosen´t work right, why you are still using it?
    it seems you also not really know what you do, other packs here works without any problems.
    and if you post next time again a bad file, i will tell you the same.

    nuff said

    1. lordmodets2

      You should make a site teaching how to correct mod, since you know so much about talking about mistakes, but I think you’re just a piece of ####, you know nothing about life except be disturbing others to try to compensate for their frustrations I know people like you. Do not waste your time answering because I will not waste my time replying to an ##### like you. Never more #####.

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