Volvo Van Nood autobusas

Volvo-Van-Nood-Bus-2 Volvo-Van-Nood-Bus-1

Testuota 1.12.1 versija

Autorius: nportegies


15 thoughts on “Volvo Van Nood autobusas

  1. ExperimentalTrucker

    This might be going way out on a limb but I’ll ask this. Is it possible to make adjustments to these bus mods so it can haul a trailer in the game? I’m not talking about a full size trailer but, maybe something the size of the Tandem Trailer that’s in ETS2. This way you can do more with these mods.

    I’ve seen private buses or these large motor-homes many times hauling some sort of trailer behind the vehicle. Here’s a few pictures to get the idea if you’ve never seen it before….

    Is it to crazy of a request?

  2. liammorris01

    what dealership is this in?

    1. VOLVO 😀

  3. can you do english version lhd please

  4. What about jobs? Is there a passenger mod?

    1. da razbirase :_

  5. you can download the passengers mod sep.thats what I did with the other bus I am using.

  6. Nice Mod. does it have interior?

  7. Nice mod but do something whit the toll gates because i can’t scross whitout the no barrier mod 🙁

  8. The game crashes and I can’t see any trucks at the dealer: they’re all invisible


    Just finished bringing passengers and went threw 2 tolls no problem, they fixed it so the driver is close enough to pay the toll, using the bus mod with passenger mod 1.7 1.8, by Linux. GREAT MOD if you like buses you’ll like this mod.

  10. ForAllTheBilly

    You can make the bus for 1.16.2 ?

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