Physics for all chassis for Mega Store v 2.1


– Modify the complete cab
– Change the complete suspension front and rear, trailer
– Complete change of clutch transmission system operators and their parameters
– Decreased easy steering response at high speeds
– Slightly increases
– Braking system with relative decrease in the efficiency of continuous use of the brake
– Increased pressure turbo compressor have more traction

Author: Kyto


21 thoughts on “Physics for all chassis for Mega Store v 2.1

  1. Sooo… What is this…??
    A Physics mod or a Mega Store mod…??

    The title says it’s “for Mega Store v.2.1”.
    Sooo… Where can I FIND the Mega Store v.2.1??

    1. I think a better tittle is:

      Physics for all chassis v2.1 for Mega Store (any version).

      plz Kyto. Confirm

      1. The filename confirms that

  2. Freddy Jimmink

    The highest and most senceless mega store mod here is mega store v 1.5

    So senceless these mods, they have nothing, really nothing to do with real truck drving!

    My meaning is hard: Stop RAPING this good game with these senceless stuff go make Your own ###### websites where You and You who like this #### can have fun, but don’t border the real truck lovers!

    1. Keep your fu**ed up arrogant opinions to yourself. Nobody gives a rats ### what you think about anything, anyway. So QUIT WHYNING.

      B.T.W. Make up your mind. You are either a “Bored” or a “Bothered” truck lover… You cna’t be both. DIMWIT

      1. 1. YES – I am arrogant – if and when I choose to be. I have never denied it and never will. At least not when it’s true.

        If and when I choose to be, I’m also ignorant, an #######, an #####, a twit, a ####, a wanker and sometimes even a joke. I can also be mindless, unreflected, annoying, boring and even downright ######.

        Feel free to add to the list. Whatever you may come up with will, at some point or another, be true.

        The fact that you intentionally aimed this -general- statement directly at me, by default, your statement makes YOU arrogant too. So what’s your point??

        Instead of quoting mindless frasez, that probably appeared intelligent when used in the right context, be a man and call it to my face. Don’t be a coward and hide behind misplaced -general- statements.

        2. What kind of guy you, or anyone else, -think- and -assume- that I am are useless to anyone with an IQ greater than a ####. Unless you replace your -thoughts- and -asumptions- with ACTUAL FACTS your statements will always crash and burn on it’s own lack of reasoning and common sense.

        Judging from your other reply to my further down this page, I’m guessing you are still too lazy to read all this. And that’s cool. I have no problem whith that and I even agree with that statement you made there.

        I don’t really care. I just do this for fun 😉

    2. These mods automatically downloaded themselves to your computer and then forcibly penetrated your game’s mod folder?

      Then activated themselves in the profile menu?

      Seems legit.

  3. #### store #### store.!!!!!!!!!!

  4. A High Hamster

    the above pics for this mod arnt even right none of that ugly #### is in the mod all this mod is is more things you can do to the truck like tint the windows chance the headlights it has nothing in common with the ugly as hell truckshop mods

  5. Well… Regardless, whether you like these mods or not, at least you managed to post something close to a \factual\ opinion. =applause=

    1. B.T.W. and F.Y.I. (just to keep the facts straight)
      The Mega Mod v.1.5 is around 137 MB in size.

      THIS one, however, is only 12 MB.

      So my “educated” guess would be that this is just a “physics” addon.

      I’m just jerking the author’s chain due to the confusing title of this mod.

      1. Freddy Jimmink

        If You don’t know my name say Mr. Jimmink to me You humilliationg not mennored twit!

        1. Why the hell would I do that??
          Was it to hard for you to figure out that my comment, attached to YOUR post, was meant for you??
          Will YOUR ###### manners towards others hard work improve in any way, shape or form if I do??

          Fact nr 1: YOU started this with YOUR humiliating and destructive comments towards Kyto, and others, their mods and the good people who enjoys using them. And as long as YOU choose to behave like an ###, I will also choose to address you as such.

          Fact nr 2: YOUR humiliating comments towards mods and mod creators YOU don’t like are also disrespectfull, demeaning and bad mannered towards those people who actually enjoy and use these mods. And if you can’t see that, get your thumbs out of your ### and go back to school.

          Fact nr 3: YOU have been spewing out YOUR humiliating opinions any chance you get for a long time. At least Kyto, and several others, are putting some effort in to try and improve the game experience for some of us. Regardless if their mods are good or bad, at least he’s sharing his work with the rest of us.

          Fact nr 5:The only things I’ve ever seen YOU share, anywhere, are YOUR humiliating, bad mannered and destructive comments about stuff YOU don’t like. This site is not only for YOU and what YOU like. Sorry to burst your ego-bubble.

          Fact nr 6: I’ve already pointed out to you that I don’t give a #### what YOU think about anything. That have still not changed, quite the contrary.

          Fact nr 7: I’m a bigger ####### than you, And chances are, I always will be. People have called me all kinds of names. And some still do.

          My suggestion to YOU KID is that YOU take your own advice and leave all the good people who create and share mods, and those who ENJOY using these mods, alone. And YOU should, in MY OPINION, stay on \Your own ###### website\ (those were your own words) and stop \BORING\ and/or \BOTHERING\ the rest of us with your annoying comments. I would prefer you do so on a site like Facebook though, so people have a chance to block you and thus wonæt be forced to sift through your garbage comments to find those that are factual and interesting.

          Get the hell over your high & mighty self and MOVE ON. And while you’re at it, let some air out of your bloated ego befoer it blows up in your face.

          1. to much #### to read… it is easy like this: stop upload your shitmod’s everyday

  6. A High Hamster

    this vid is whats all in the mod:

  7. People!!!!! this is just a Physics Mod like the title says “Physics for all chassis for … “


    Nice work !!!

  9. Jesus.. people’s comments… really they didnt know a #### of making mods and coding…
    Kato… i will say.. GREAT JOB EVER… /hail
    Best store mod ever.. and nice coding
    and ignore the rest of ###### comments they dont know a #### 😛 hehe..
    hopes its okay that i allrdy have added some extra accessories 😉

    Big T out

  10. there is only one physic for all truck in the game. So, ALL ETS2-physic-mods on this planet are for all chassis and all megastores.
    So, if this mod begins with a #### title, then it will end up with #### content, that contain much more then you can read in the description and will mess up your game, as usually all those mods on this website do that.

  11. Thanks for the mod buddy, works like a charm….

  12. Download not found :s

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