6 cylinders sound mod for Daf, Volvo, Scania


Here’s a pack with updated, and improved sounds mods for three brands
of trucks.

Enjoy πŸ˜‰

Author: Kriechbaum


24 thoughts on “6 cylinders sound mod for Daf, Volvo, Scania

  1. Hi m8 thx for the fast update, its much better now, now i can start to use it πŸ™‚ but I still don’t like so much that mono sound, its to much metalic and I think dont conbine very well with the exhaust sound (I now its a 6 cylinder) special the 500 and 800 rpm. I was using the Kamaz sound ( now started to use yours)listen to the 500 and 800 rpm by him so that you now what I mean.

    Thx again its a great mod

  2. Video dimostration???:0

  3. How do these work with an automatic?

    I’ve had some that were made for manual shift and sound terrible with automatic.

    1. I use automatic too and I like it, I think it deppends of the transmission you use, I use a 14 gearbox but change the ratios from 3.08 to 2.71 now sounds much better in automatic πŸ™‚

      1. Why do you guys drive auto? You can’t even f**k up a gear change in this game.

        1. because I play with keyboard πŸ™‚

  4. Great work! Really nice sounds, especially the Scania one! Do you plan to make one for MAN, too?

  5. Is it possible to do it for all Iveco’s?

  6. http://youtu.be/wyXsVSQtqb8 better scania automatic sound than this

  7. kriechbaum

    Hi guys.

    I know Tomosis, that the scania original sound isn’t the good one when you have an opened pipe exhaust. But, it’s so difficult to find a good source of sound, especially a “constant” sound…

    So for now i find my engines sounds not too bad, I tried a lot of engine sound mods from others moders, but, honestly, mine is really nice. Of course, we always can do better, yes, may be later…

    For those who want this sound for Man or Iveco, i’ll do it later.

    And, Nonitor, you’re just off topic, my sound is for 6 cylinders engines, your link is a V8 sound mod, i have done one yet (V8) that is really more realistic that the one you posted here.

    See you guys.

    1. Yeah, I think so, too! Your sound mod is really nice as it is now! Especially it is in good quality!
      I don`t want you to convert this sound to MAN (or any other truck, I could do that on my own, but I don`t think MAN`s have a Scania- Sound :/ )
      but if you want to create a completely new original MAN- Sound… I know it`s very hard as I tried it by myself, but perhaps you`d get it done!


  8. can anybody tell us how to install it plz?

    1. Same as every other mod: Put it in your mod folder on your computer and select it in your ETS2- profile πŸ™‚

  9. than a lot bro
    $ thanks to author of the mod

  10. kriechbaum

    Slash thank you.

    The man trucks have two types of engines, like the Scania’s : 6 cylinders, and V8.

    The sound on a 6 straight engine, with free exhaust, is almost the same for all trucks. That depends of the exhaust itself.

    So you can use it on a Man. πŸ™‚

    1. Hehe yes I know! Some time ago MAN had the most powerful engine with the V8! Unfortunately I don`t think Scania and MAN sound the same, I would even say, they`re very different!
      For comparison: MAN:
      I don`t know why, but I love like the engine rattles at 00:20
      to compare with Scania V6:

      now tell me, it sounds the same πŸ˜‰
      But thx for your answer!


  11. the volvo sound is very bad …make the volvo like the scania ….

    1. don`t you think, the original sound of SCS is good enough?
      I personally think, it`s the best truck sound in game!
      And if you listen to a real -life Volvo you can confirm, they are really close with the Volvo- Sound!


      1. the blinkers no nad the gear change is bad ..if you can make a volvo sound like the scania …..plz if you can….it is good bat i like the turbo and the volvo sound there isnt the turbo …..thanks ….the scania is very very good

  12. kriechbaum

    Slash, please, don’t compare a 6 and a V8 engine.
    Your videos of the man, isn’t a V8 instead of the Scania one.

    here’s for you a Man 6 inline sound :

    and a scania 6 too :

    And this is for Tomasis :

    see you πŸ™‚

    1. wow thats awsome m8, in the video you say “isn’t finalized yet” , so will wait for the final version :)) and hope to see it here


  13. oh sh**, you`re right, sorry!
    but I think even if you compare these both videos, the sound is very, very different!
    but perhaps one day, SCS will make an original MAN- Sound…
    I just hope so πŸ™‚

  14. kriechbaum

    there’s always a little difference. But the difference you can hear into the videos above, is because one is inside the truck, the other is outside.

    There will never be out a special sound for man or something like that, why? because the game technical limits you to make a real sound.
    So, we have to wait for an other truck game πŸ˜‰
    or use mods, if we like them.

  15. I just can`t agree with that, I`m sorry!
    If you listen to real life trucks there are DEFINITELY differences between the brands! Of course not the moddified ones, but the original ones!
    And I also think it`s one of the best things in game for me, as there is also a difference driving for example a Volvo and a Mercedes πŸ˜‰
    I personally think, SCS did quiet well (sometimes need little improvements (as your mod)and as mentioned unfortunatelly I`m a big MAN fan, whose sound isn`t included-instead of this MAN has an Mercedes sound in game= no go :)))


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