Alternative Swap Body Addon For M.A.N F2000 V1.1 By XBS

-What’s new
Swap Body Chassis reworked ๐Ÿ‘Œ
-Load Order
Swap M.A.N
Swap Sebastian
Mod Dependecy



4 thoughts on “Alternative Swap Body Addon For M.A.N F2000 V1.1 By XBS

  1. Hi, how do I make this work? Thanks

    1. Hello,The mod requires M.A.N F2000 By XBS(available on his website) and Sebastian7870’s mod (Mod dependency and swap body chassis mod) available on steam or Forum..once you’ve downloaded them you need to put in order as in the description..I hope i was helpful ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Crash with those lines in the log when choosing the F2000. Works on the standard trucks without problem

    1. 00:09:33.211 : [Vehicle accessory]: ‘’ /def/vehicle/truck/man.f2000/chassis/swpbdyc_6x2.sii $26750 lv3
      00:09:33.239 : [fs] Failed to open file ‘/vehicle/truck/man_tgx_euro6/chs_swpbdyc_6x2_ambientocclusion.tobj’ in the read_only mode.
      00:09:33.245 : Engine accessory is missing!
      00:09:33.245 : Cabin accessory is missing!

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