Always Coolliner and Profiliner trailers


Always coolliner and profiliner trailers



19 thoughts on “Always Coolliner and Profiliner trailers

  1. great mod

  2. who the hell wants to carry the exact same trailer every delivery? worst mod ever

    1. thats what you think. some people just like to drive with normal trailers and not containers or other trailers

    2. Nobody cares your opinion.

      1. Dear Jake, so many drivers take every day the same trailor . My dad hat 7 years the same trailor . He got every 2 years new truck, but trailor stay same . I drove also always the same trailor behind my truck . max 1 time in month change for 2 days with another .
        Great mod LaCoste (y)
        (also the other vesions for other trailor combinatins)

  3. Thx. 🙂

  4. and I will allways drive with my favorite special MOD trailersz in all cities on the map.

    I will play the game and not the game play with me

    TYVMuch for this mod

  5. Fantastic! Now I can always drive with my profi en coolliner trailers of the company just like in real life and the good thing about this mod is that the AI traffic take the other trailers and that’s very good otherwise everything would be the same and then it would be boring

  6. Good mod, but how I change trailer skin?

  7. TheFalseShepherd

    With this mod can you still get non-trailer missions like ADR etc?

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      “Always coolliner and profiliner trailers”

      1. TheFalseShepherd

        The question isn’t as ###### as you tried to make it out to be…you can just make all the trailers LOOK like Coolliner and profiliners, or you can make them actually like that, which would mean you never get ADR missions. So which one is it?

  8. Brian Earl Spilner

    I thought you were asking if the ADR type trailers still show up.

    All that’s changed is trailer allocation, cargo details themselves remain unchanged.

    So yes, ADR “missions” will still be there.

  9. ….Love it…thank…

  10. Great mod, great idea. Any chance of making the same for just the car transporter trailers?

  11. Any chance of doing the same for the car transporter trailers?

  12. Can you make this mod with that trailer? –

  13. Can you make this mod for 1.14x please, this would be great

  14. flemming Jorgensen

    Please make this mod for 1.14x please.. 🙂

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