DAF XF 50k v 3.3 + Cabin Accessories DLC

DAF-XF-50k-1 DAF-XF-50k-3 DAF-XF-50k-2

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It was tested on 1.21.1s.
Fixed front mirrors, now appearing on all cabs
Added support for Cabin Accessories DLC

•JoNnii-V8 -> 4 spoke wheel model
•kuba141 -> some of his dashboard screens


24 thoughts on “DAF XF 50k v 3.3 + Cabin Accessories DLC

  1. EneaMaconi

    A mod for only Cabin Accessories DLC?

    1. Mr.GermanTruck

      50k has the Cabin Accessories Added his DAF.

  2. How instal this mod?Tank You!

    1. Mr.GermanTruck

      download the Truck and the Definition from the new DLC. Put the SCS in the mod Folder and start ETS2 on Steam and Play & have Fun

      1. Moin Mr. GermanTruck,

        Ich versteh die Installation noch nich so ganz, kannst du das eventuell nochmal für dumme erklären? 😉

        I dont get it, please can you help me?

        1. Mr.GermanTruck

          Du ladest dir den daf und die Definition herunter. Packst es in den mod Ordner und startest ets2 aber per steam. Du benötigst natürlich das neue DLC. Dann funktioniert das 1a

          1. Hallo

            Ich finde keine daf und die Definition Ordner…bzw SCS Datei zum Download?!?!

          2. ciao Mr.GermanTruck, if you can please help me (for ETS2 v.1.21)
            1-I converted files base .scs
            2- file base_dlc_toys in .scs
            but I crash the game what I did wrong

            the old version daf v. 3.1.1 works perfectly
            thank you

          3. Mr.GermanTruck


            Here you can download the daf and the Definition

          4. Thanks Mr.GermanTruck you were fast, I would offer you a beer willingly,,
            Now everything works perfectly (v.1.21.x.x)
            I’m sorry for English
            thanks again my friend
            ciao ciao

        2. Man you know how install it?

  3. как скачять?

  4. Doktor_Psix

    Ссылка не рабочая!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Doktor_Psix

    мод не рабочий

  6. I don`t know how install this Mod. Help me please!

  7. Dude if you don’t know to explain how to install this mod don’t post it . What should i download from that link , which one is the truck which is the interior paintjobs etc . ### man . ? It’s not supposed to be an .scs extension to add it into the mod folder ? Thank you.

  8. Don’t insttal game crash

  9. 013stijn013


    which mod are the beacons???

  10. hallo
    wie lade ich mir das alles runter das sind 2 datein oder die man da brauch ??

  11. Man pls tell me how to install it :(( I realy want it

  12. chris4239

    kanen niemden de vrachtwagen over nieuw op zet voor mijn ik kan geen foto.s bij zetenom deze vrachtwagen gaat het DAF XF EURO 6 WEEDA [1.19.X]

  13. Link to wheels?

  14. Link to sound?

  15. Not work 1.23….

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