FerryPlus by T0b1 v1.5

This mod add 18 new ferry connections.

1. Calais – Seyðisfjörður
2. Newcastle upon Tyne – Kristansand
3. Gdańsk – Helsinki
4. Marseille – Thessaloniki
5. Marseille – Aschdod
6. Marseille – Beirut
7. Marseille – Port Said
8. Marseille – Latakia
9. Thessaloniki – Beirut
10. Thessaloniki – Latakia
11. Liepāja – Aschdod
12. Liepāja – Beirut
13. Liepāja – Port Said
14. Liepāja – Latakia
15. Dubrovnik – Aschdod
16. Dubrovnik – Beirut
17. Dubrovnik – Port Said
18. Dubrovnik – Latakia

You need the ProMods Map v2.65.
You need the ProMods Milldle-East Add-on v2.65.

If Milldle-East Add-on not used, then only 1. to 4. will work.

Mod order:
FerryPlus by T0b1
ProMods Middle-East Add-on (Def & Map Package)
ProMods Middle-East Add-on (Assets Package)
ProMods Definition Package
ProMods Map Package
ProMods Models Package 1
ProMods Models Package 2
ProMods Models Package 3
ProMods Media Package
ProMods Assets Package



4 thoughts on “FerryPlus by T0b1 v1.5

  1. Trucker_Schmitt

    I thank you much for your awesome work to establish this map extension.
    So by following your load-order I added your ferry-pack.
    Starting the game everything seems to be okay.
    In the map view (key: m) there appear all your ferry connections – so far.
    But when I zoomed in the map more than 3 steps closer, there the game crashes (CtD). But as I found out is not your fault!
    — It is a general fault of the map developers.–
    Just see my attempts for avoiding the wellknown CtD:
    Importing into mod-manager the maps as you have listed:
    Everything is okay.
    Trying to add the RusMap and the Road-connections – it leads into CtD, whatever of raod-connection I tried, same result.
    So I realized that ALL the CtDs are grounded in either the PROMODs-maps itself OR
    in ANY Extension beyond the ProMod-Map itself.
    This is a FATAL error grounded in mis-Programming inside the Promods maps!
    It is not grounded in the Vanilla-SCS-map.
    It is grounded in the Extensions of maps, not sure which one causes the error literally.
    So by following your mod-order, everything is fine…until I zoom in to the closest view = CtD
    By deleting your ferries from mod-manager everything is fine.
    But this is not your failure, because if I add any parts of RusMap and then zooming in, the same result: CtD
    I tried out many steps to recognize the ‘situation’ which causes the CtD, until now I can’t. Only see the results.
    To make it short: It seems that every extension – like YOUR ferry-extensions – even when they are perfectly made, in the whole they ‘generate’ a CtD (when zooming into closest).
    Same happens if you try to add the RusMap series including Road-connections: Everythings looks fine until you zoom in: CtD
    I play the ets2 series soon from the beginning since version 1.12 or like that, several years ago. And I was often confronted with many problems to integrate maps and any extensions. But I was able to solve all the problems.
    But today and exactly here, I do see that the problems are grounded a bit deeper.
    So I call all the map develeopers to look deep into their own programming-steps for to find out this so outstanding and strong error!
    Is it just hidden anywhere in your programming lines, maybe you have just overseen?
    I do know you’ll be able to solve this so big general problem!
    Give it some days for to do a deeper research, and then come back and tell us: We have found that problem with zooming-in and we have eliminated it..:!!!

    Greetings to you all – I please for your efforts – my Thanks in advance…
    And big thanks for all your outstanding hard work all over the years………

  2. Thanks for the very positive feedback.

    The problem with the zoom is known. There is a zoom crash fix with background map on the Steam Workshop. The crash is because at the highest zoom level, the level of detail on the roads is too high. The fix ensures that this level of detail is changed. You need both Mods.


    Make these mods above Ferry Plus and Promods.

    1. I made a Zoom Crash Fix Mod. You only need this mod.


  3. Trucker_Schmitt

    Hey Tobias, thanks for your quick reply and the given hints. With the Steam-workshop you can only subscribe the files, but you cannot download them as separate files (.scs or .zip).
    Via Steam I play an older version of ets2: v1.36.2.55
    in which I have the legendary TSM-Map, which was no longer available in later game versions.
    Actually I play a ‘downloaded version’ ets2 in version
    To make the story short:
    I would like to ask you, could you write two scs or zip files of the two files:
    – Promods HQ background map
    – Zoom crash fix
    Then we could simply download the files and copy them into the mod-manager instead of subscribing inside the Steam-workshop.
    Greetings and thanks again for your good work.

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