Île-de-France (Paris Suburbs) Map 1:1

Required DLCs : Scandinavia, Vive la France, Going East, Italia, Beyond the Balistic Sea, Road to the Black Sea, Iberia and West Balkans

Edit your config.cfg file for avoiding crash : Find the line “uset r_buffer_page_size” and change the value from “10” to “30”, save, close the file and play !

Version 0.1.1a for ETS 2 1.49

Added the city of Champigny-sur-Marne including a deliverable company and a Volvo dealership
Added the city of Fontenay-sous-Bois including 2 deliverable companies and a bus station
Extension to the north of the city of Villemomble including a company and 2 deliverable worksites
Reconstruction of the Raincy-Villemomble RER bus station
Reconstruction of old parts of the A4 motorway
Reconstruction of the A4 – A86 interchange
Reconstruction of the A86 motorway from Champigny-sur-Marne to Fontenay-sous-Bois
New traffic signs (by Adyox) (5% of signs replaced)
Integration of more than 10 new AI vehicles (by Rayen)
Bug fix

Map by Georges93
Custom traffic by Rayen
Custom trailer skins by Yellow, Rayen and Lumia
Custom traffic signs by Adyox


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