International Traffic Pack by Elitesquad Modz – Add-on for AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat [V1.0]

This add-on for the International Traffic Pack adds foreign vehicles from the AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat. The spawn rates of the foreign vehicles and their colors are based on the mod Real AI Country Spawns Add-on for Jazzycat by Egon for more realism. The archive also includes a small modification that features reworked car paint materials for the vehicles in the AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat. The shininess is adjusted so that the paint materials match the settings used by SCS.

Required mods
– International Traffic Pack – Vanilla Edition [V1.0]:
– AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat [V21.8]:
Enable this mod with higher priority.

Recommended mods
– Real AI Country Spawns Add-on for Jazzycat by Egon [V21.8]:

The mod is tested on 1.48, 1.48.5, and 1.49

Conditions for redistribution of the mod
– You are allowed to publish this mod on other websites, under the condition that the original download link is featured and credits are given as shown here
– You are allowed to create add-ons for this mod featuring additional vehicles or countries, under the condition that the original project is mentioned and credits are given as shown here

For further details and engagement, you can visit the mod’s dedicated
forum page:

Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved

Mod author: Elitesquad Modz
Model-specific spawn rates and colors: Egon


3 thoughts on “International Traffic Pack by Elitesquad Modz – Add-on for AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat [V1.0]

  1. What’s happened for Jazzycat?

  2. Someusername


    Hopefully nothing has happened. Maybe took a break? Waiting for 1.50?

    Although with all the ###### demanding comments here, and other sites “Add this and that.” It wouldn’t surprise me if Jazzycat had enough and moved on to other things. That must get old quick!

    People should be grateful for what they get, as these mod add a lot to the game.

    1. I would say there may be changes in his personal life. Who knows. But what seems bad, is 1.50. It messes up flares and lots of materials on mod AI vehicles. That will require lot of work. SCS slowly and surely tries to eliminate mod community, although mods are what this game’s popularity stands on with somewhat unnesessary changes like this, or when they messed up materials back in 1.47.

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