Magnum Legend Skin + Interior


This Skin replaces the Route 66, thats why it still is a BETA version.
Interiors are almost the same.

Author: racer243l


6 thoughts on “Magnum Legend Skin + Interior

  1. This skin is not accurate. You miss the legend logo with serienumber of the truck on the side and you don’t have the black grill of the real Magnum Legend.

  2. ### what skin ?

    please don´t call it skin

  3. There is a reason for the BETA status, it mean work in progress. So in the next version it will be standalone and of course with logo, grill and also mat as the original, with logo on the seats

  4. steve silent

    beta means its not finished.. if not finished it may have bugs .. why put a buggy mod up…

    1. Other question, why not?

  5. Other question beta mods?

    rookie mods ? no conception, little racer

    we don´t need such crappy buggy mods

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