MAN Euro 6 + Trailer


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MAN Euro 6 Truck with Tandem Trailer

Authors: HomerS, SCS, Danz, Mr.Green, Ostry, Tomson, Vlasta


11 thoughts on “MAN Euro 6 + Trailer

  1. why it’s giving again when he’s here one is

  2. Yes who have posted this?

  3. it’s the same truck ?

  4. why the hell in real life this truck looks very most beautiful than the old one and on ets2 its not happen?

    1. Yeah, pal. You alright. In ETS2 It’s ####!

  5. yes fred this is the same truck

  6. Hiho,

    How can I increase number of orders ? :<

  7. with tandem trailer ofc.

  8. Alone is worth the truck.
    The tandem jumps the road and goes crazy.###….
    No good.
    Tested to 1.11.1

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