New Signs v 1.3.1

neu-schilder-fur-denn-ets-2.jpg1 neu-schilder-fur-denn-ets-2.jpg2

Author: zeppelin3


7 thoughts on “New Signs v 1.3.1

  1. put where ??

  2. I think put in mod folder.

    1. hey, don’t say that you son of #####!

      1. Freddy Jimmink

        I trust that the webmaster/admin will know that it is not me but a faker who knows my e-mail adress because i gave it to friends of mine here,

        And i hope that they will remove these domb remarks fron the Faker, because it is too sad to read them!

        For everyone, i sing my comments,so i hope You know that there is only 1 Freddy Jimmink


        Freddy Jimmink

  3. how to install this?

  4. Sorry for my ignorance, but do these signs replace the in game signs or is this for people making maps to use?

  5. Freddy Jimmink

    The replace the signs in the game,

    You don’t need a special map,



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