Peterbilt 389 BETA


– Fully independent model
– The interior has its own animation
– Replaced Iveco Truck

Authors: Rus47tam, AU44


60 thoughts on “Peterbilt 389 BETA

  1. Nobody Needs to Know

    Tested what version? Compatible with what mods? Known bugs? Need this stuff in description, until someone gets this info, ill be waiting

    1. kriechbaum


      How the modder can test his truck mod with all existing mods. That’s just impossible. It’s your job, test this truck mod with your mods. If you have some problems, you have by yourself to search wich mod is responsible.

      See u.

    2. okay NNtN – next time he will write a book for y
      and support your laziness

      1. Oh yea, its really unreasonable to ask a modder to provide a list of bare details to help with compatibility. It makes sense today, but soon as a new patch is out these questions matter.

        Its polite to give testers as much info as possible. Its also really annoying how often ETS2 mods have little to no info in them.

        If someone is releasing a BETA its saying “This is incomplete and has bugs” so you’re kinda saying “do me a favour, pl0x”.

        1. These modders (AU44 & Rus47tam) didn’t upload this here.

          The short description you see is contributed by whoever uploaded it here. They grab these mods off other mod sites and sometimes leave out info that was at least on the other site. They left out several pieces in this instance and that is just a loss of info from one site to another.

          Imagine it like a game of chinese whispers when you have the original source and then a bunch of mod sites copying and altering the info down the line until it reaches here. Add to that the fact these guys are Russian I believe and not all mod sites in this chain use English and you’re gonna get different info here then what the modder’s provide.

          Also, someone asking “Compatible with what mods?” is not asking for “a list of bare details”.

          1. Of course, but when there are a handful of mods which many people use like the Promod or TSM its not hard to imagine a modder having used it with that. Asking for the list of “tested with” mods isn’t too hard either. If you have a mod soup its kind of annoying having to pick through the dozen or so to figure out which one is crashing the game with this mod.

            Also, just because somebody else uploads this from another site doesn’t mean whomever is uploading shouldn’t put those details in. Its wrong to direct this anger at the modder, but the people who run this site ought to have better standards for “whats this thing then?” for all their stuff because frankly once the comments stop mods that have none of this info can be utter wastes of time after a few game versions.

        2. I’m not denying the usefulness of such info, I was merely questioning your classification of asking \Compatible with what mods?\ as a \list of bare details\.

          Everyone has to be running a certain version of the game for example, which they can say \tested on x.x.x\, this is the type of info I would classify as bare details. Mods are elective and since it is plausible one could not be using mods, it would mean the question is not relative to a list of bare details, but possible details to be provided in addition to the bare details.

          \Also, just because somebody else uploads this from another site doesn’t mean whomever is uploading shouldn’t put those details in.\

          – I never said it was right or acceptable and that they shouldn’t put those details in, I was merely pointing out the reality of what goes on here as many people are ignorant and seem to always think the authors of the mod have written the description/uploaded the mod here. You’re ‘preaching to the choir’ on that one.

    3. Nickskitz77

      crashes when you try to buy it needs fixing

      1. check my last entry and see if that helps

  2. Truck driver robin

    ### ….. GREAT MOD !! BEST BETA TRUCK I EVER DRIVED !!! please make a final version so soon as possible … and please ad more tuning options ! and better gearboxes please ! because that will make the truck number 1

    Gr from holland …. Truck Driver Robin

    1. Nobody Needs to Know

      Looks like im getting it then

      1. Truck driver robin

        you sure do !! great job !! Can’t wait for the next version of this truck !!

        Gr Truck Driver Robin

  3. “independant model”

    “replaces Iveco”


    1. what does he mean ‘independent’?
      Is independent mean that the model was not a conversion?
      Or independent is same as standalone?
      Pfft :/

    2. That is written by admin or uploader here.

      On other sites it says “Fully independent model. Truck you can buy in the showroom IVECO.”

      So it is independent, you BUY at Iveco dealer but it doesn’t REPLACE any Iveco.

  4. is that skin included?

  5. high poly model – y need high end NASA computer

  6. You need a very good video card to use this mode.

    1. Truck driver robin

      Well ….. i have a laptop with a 2 gb videocart and i dont have any problems with this truck … some specs of my laptop : intel core i5
      Nvidia GeForce 710M 2 GB
      17,3 HD + led lcd screen
      8GB DDR3 memory

      so …… you dont need a gaming pc for thius truck !

      1. Thanks robin 🙂

        My laptop is about the same level so I should be able to run it.

        What graphic settings do you use, if you dont mind me asking?

        1. Truck driver robin

          i use the standard settings XD … nothing special …. and it works fine with me so it should work fine for you to !!

      2. I have only 1 gb video card

  7. Game works more slowly.

  8. Hallo allerseits,

    Ich habe den Truck gestern auf einer anderen HP schon runterladen dürfen und habe schon 5Tkm runter.

    Erstmal großes Lob für den Fehlerfreien Beta Truck…
    Für meinen Geschmack schon FINAL!!! 😉

    Dort habe ich gelesen das schon am 25.9. V1 kommen soll.

    Mal zu den MODS die ich zeitgleich laufen hab.
    Tsm map in der letzten Version + Just Play Mod
    TSM Schwertranport Pack
    MB Mega Mod (BDF)
    Scania T Mark3
    Vehicle TDU
    alles im allem ca 25 mods und der Truck Läuft FEHLERFREI!!!

    Vielen Dank an den Modder.

    LG Henki

    1. Achso, getested in der Version 1.4.12

  9. Aleksey, download rabotaet, eto tolko u tebya vrodi, da i podumai skolko rabotali nad etom a ti prishol materitsa tut, ne prelichno.

  10. Bobby Carrizal

    that’s awesome for peterbilt 389 but missing for Caterpillar C15 600 and Eaton 18 Speed needed update thanks!!!

    1. Yeh but it has “Cummins Power” badges on the truck and a “Cummins IXS 15” (think it should be ISX) modeled under the hood.

      Anyway, just copy the .sii files from a mod that has the engine and gearbox you want (i.e. Aiightis’ W900L) and put them in (def\vehicle\truck\peterbilt389\engine) and (def\vehicle\truck\peterbilt389\transmission) respectively.

      1. how do i do this i tried and nothing showed up

  11. MrETSTrucker

    Something not good with it, please check the mod again guys.

  12. Is the rev-gauge (tachometer) working properly for everyone else?

  13. Really great for a BETA version. I did see a few problems though

    1) Tachometer works back to front
    2) From exterior view, Driver looks to be holding two steering wheels
    3) Wiper Blades do not displace the rain
    4) Brake lights are not in sync with controls

    As i said it is a really great BETA version and i hope it will be more customizable once a final is released.

    Good job guys.

    Here is a Video of this Truck

    1. 1) I would argue that the tachometer does not simply work “back to front”. If it did that it would:
      -show idle at +2000 rather than 1400
      -not still rest on zero, with engine switched off
      -Not be capable of both clockwise and anti-clockwise motion of the needle during increased engine speed.
      -Still move in a normal, expected manner according to the engine rpm (albeit reversed)

      I had the same experience as you with points 2) and 3).

      4) Brake lights were in sync for me (they come on exactly as I press brakes)

  14. ### is the goal to make an EPIC truck with no custom sound..also the wipers not working with alot of new trucks and they dont even get fixed…### authors?

    1. Oh wow, make something better yourself? And this is a Beta, stop feeling so entitled without saying a thank you.

      There are other, kinder, ways to say what you wanted to say.

    2. #### so much rage..oh well internet

      1. You the only one raging, bro.

        1. Yes sure im so much raging atm im like destroying my room etc

  15. steve white

    link doesn’t work…

    1. Same. Link not working.

    2. @steve white

      Yeah It Says Forbidden To Me

  16. Ya got a really good start just a few things to fix!!!
    Keep up the good work.

  17. My main question is, is there a Dashboard display for the current gear? I like to drive with the F3 window closed and use the internal GPS and mirrors but I also am required to use a sequential shifter so I need a Dashboard gear indicator.

    If there isn’t one I’d appreciate it if the modder added one for final.

    I plan on testing this and giving my input. It looks like a beautiful model and I’ve been wanting a truck exactly like this for sometime. Reading the comments so far, the \bugs\ don’t sound bad at all.

  18. link is not working, it says Forbidden.

  19. Forbidden Link

  20. why doesnt the paint job in the lower picture work ? ive tried everything to get it too work :(, i want the ability too skin this truck so badly its unreal

  21. Lucas Roberto

    link is not working here… do me a favor: post in media fire or zippyshare

  22. Double Clutch

    Very,very nice looking Pete, a few things to tweak and she will be good to go. Thank you.

  23. Its has quite the high poly for a beta version

    1. They converted the 3d model, I dare say it started out high poly..

  24. Hi I Cant Download The File It Says 403 Forbiden You May NOT Access This File

  25. For those who can’t download, just Copy Paste the name of the mod into google and find alternate downloads. Its not rocket surgery.

  26. ok 1 tiny thing can we have other sun visors that chrome one is great but drives me crazy drivin seein things in it.

    1. I don’t think authors visit here.

      Try changing .mat file of sunvisor to reduce reflectivity (at least in interior view).

  27. I think it would be really nice if the model were better optimized. Its just too high res. There are other truck addons that look nearly as good but much lower poly and as such are usable.

    If this model isn’t trimmed down a bit then I predict many people not using it because its just too much of an FPS hit. I can’t use it so my relationship with this beta version is already over, sadly.

  28. coolawesomedude4

    The windshield wipers don’t work when its raining.
    When it rains and turn on the wipers and it doesn’t work the rain is still on the windshield.

  29. ??not sure whats going on .I Can see it but soon as you purchase the game crashes . Tried a new game with no mods installed and does the same . Is this compatable with 14x and up ? Any one else strike the same?

  30. guys just to help out for the above … I found that the “steering scs” that came with the W900 was causing the crash , remove it and your good to go

  31. Leah Elena

    where are the skin on the picture of the truck??

  32. so after weeks of trial and error i found a glitch for the glitch. if you are currently not driving a vehicle and purchase it and pair yourself to it then hit drive it will load. but trying to select it from list it will crash every time. its not so much in game where it has the issue its the super poly count that shows up in the main screen. that being said how do i change transmissions on stand alone mods? i have the 18 speed conversion mod but it doesnt work on standalone. i hope this helps some of yall

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