Realistic Economy and New Trailer Weight V2


V2 Changelog:
-Speed limit set to 85KM/H
-Problem with driver’s pay fixed and salary edited
-Revenue per km has been fixed
-Garage productivity plan has been fixed for each garage level
-Truck and trailer damage has been fixed and set more realistic
-Truck offers,are now real offers with some serious discount

Tested on 1.4.12 and with/o TSM map.

Author: tasos978


7 thoughts on “Realistic Economy and New Trailer Weight V2

  1. 25,000 XP for parking the trailer on the first mission and I got up to lvl 15 right away.

  2. Is some log or something that. One cargo was in over 500t is that too fixed

    1. Hello…

      scs/def/cargo/lumber–> 525000

      —> 52500/fichier/enregistrer/yes


      1. Hello,thank you my friend for the notice,I will fix this in V3 on the next days,since now I’m working on a new mod..

  3. If you start a career with this mod beware that some missions will have you way underpowered, dragging a 42t cargo out of a quarry with 380HP

    And I didn’t notice any discount on the trucks so working up to one earning only 400 euro or so even on haul from Austria to the UK that will take some time.

  4. not working all update ets 2 and tsm map ????

  5. kostashellas

    re taso tha mporouses na kaneis mia karotsa ths mevgal?

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