Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds v 2.7

Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds

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Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds V2.7 For ETS 1.17.x & 1.18.x
There are 2 versions of this mod, second version includes Xenon Lights Blue for all trucks.

Features In Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds In Add On V2.7 Version:
* Compatible To Work With ETS Game Versions 1.17.x & 1.18.x
* Increased The Rain Intensity.
* Roads Stay Wet For A Longer Time.
* Some More Tweaks Regarding The Weather Rain & Fog.
* Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
* Realistic Rain Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin.
* Realistic Rain Drops/Windshield Effects.
* Included Volume Up For Ext Sounds Inside Cabin. Traffic, Thunders, Rain etc Inside The Truck Cabin.
* Works With Any Map.

Important: Do not use with any other Weather type mods.
Please Do not Re-upload in any other hosting site/s keep the original download link

Author: Kass


29 thoughts on “Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds v 2.7

  1. Faelandaea

    Oooh definitely going to check this out!!!!

    One question though . . . . what does fog sound like? O.o

    Looking forward to thunder and rain though ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you XD

    1. Faelandaea

      Oh nevermind ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I misread the title when i made my joke about the fog. The way the title reads I read it as just a sound package. Didn;t realize until i re-read the description that this includes visual tweaks also ๐Ÿ™‚

      Running on 3 hours sleep here. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. goran_serbia

    Hello there,mod is SUPER,i have 1 problem,when i open map menu my map zoom is f****d up,i can onlin zoom max and min u have any idea about that problem?

  3. goran_serbia

    What i was trying to say there is no other zoom options,i can send you print screen maybe you know the solution…

    1. Yes is kinda easy just open my mod and edit game_data.sii, and u will see this:
      zoom_uplift[7]: 160000.0 // whole world map zoom

      Replace with:
      zoom_uplift[7]: 45000.0 // whole world map zoom

      Then save and should be fine ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. goran_serbia

        Ok but 1 more q,how to open your to open mod,i tried with all programs and i cant….

  4. Is the dashboard of the scania r1000 part of the md or is it a dashboard mod

    1. No that dash board mod is not included, but if u want u can find it here:

  5. Excellent weather mod but the version with the lights has them way too bright, especially noticeable in a street full of AI traffic.

  6. goran_serbia

    when i extract mod i dont have game_data.ssi…

    1. its inside the def Folder.
      U can use 7-Zip program for example to do that ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. goran_serbia

        Kass i love that you help,but when i open your mod with 7-zip,i only have read me file,fog thunder,and fog thunder xenon lights,there is no def folder or game_data.ssi??? posible to make a video???
        My regards

      2. goran_serbia

        I never modyfied mods so little more details pls

        1. Ok no worries, do this go in SCS forum and register if u do not have account there:

          and send me PM ill re-upload the mod with the modified file, just let me know with version ur using with Xenon or without Xenon lights ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. goran_serbia

    i gegisterd add u as friend,mod i use i without xenon,but with xenon same problem ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I also have map zoom problem

    1. OK I changed the zoom_uplift[7] to 45000 and now it is perfect ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. goran_serbia

        u re upload other or this mod is fixed?

  9. Map bug (no zoom) when take a job, please fix , it is a great mod.

    1. Im not sure if i understand, what bug when u take job? ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Theoldman

    How do I turn up the volume for the ext sounds?

  11. goran_serbia

    can some 1 leave me e-mal i will send him picture of my problem
    tnx in advance

    1. Sorry for late reply, ive send u PM in SCS forum ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sorry Kass, I didnt see the prev comment, i have edited the file and all is ok.
    Nice sounds, rain drops and Xenon lights, love it.

    1. Its ok ๐Ÿ™‚ i simple forgot to edit that zoom map thing to put back to that value 45000 instead of 160000.0
      But works nice the zoom map for those who have TSM + Russia Map for example.
      Anyway in the next version will have the vanilla values ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I changed the zoom_uplift[7] to 45000 and now it is perfect!

    and when take a job \ no bug \ , ok for me.


  14. This is an amazing mod. I didn’t even think the game can handle that (#### SCS from holding this back from us). One thing I’m not sure of and I wanted to ask: is it always foggy and/or rainy? I’ve been driving for 2 hours now and though I have rain probability set to low, all I see is fog and most of the time it rains but if I disable the mod, the weather is all warm and sunny.

    1. Dry weather only in morning and later in afternoon.
      When it Rain there is always fog.
      The mod does not change the Rain Probability, its up to the players to change the rain Probability bar in game options ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Now, after I played some more I finally drove on dry weather but it’s still darkish outside. There is less light than without the mod. Is there a way I can modify the mod so that I only get the rain and fog effects and that’s it, without the low-light thingy?

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