Realistic Traffic for 1.23 v1.0


This mod makes the traffic more realistic.

-more cars in traffic
-realistic spawn rate depending on the time of the day
-more realistic behaviour
-realistic speed limits in Europe, UK and Russia

V 1.0 – initial relase (2016.05.12)

Mod is compatible with all jazzycat packs.

Maps tested: promods+rusmap+southern region
Let me know if it works on other maps please.

Game version compatibility: 1.22, 1.23



18 thoughts on “Realistic Traffic for 1.23 v1.0

  1. DerTuerko

    what’s the speed limit of AI trucks in Europe?

    1. Moin Moin, 70, 80 und 90

      1. DerTuerko

        Danke bruda

  2. 90km/h in Europe, 50mph(81km/h) in UK

    1. DerTuerko

      Thanks i’m using the mod it’s very realistic ! Good job

  3. Mario map (11.6) work too. If delete folder “World”.
    Too low cars on road. City like after zViruses ))

    1. Hi Zuim…can you tell me please…what Folder you mean in MarioMap ( World ) ? Must i delete all ” World ” Folder…?


  4. AlexCrazy

    Maps tested: promods+rusmap+southern region – how you make this? 🙂

    1. He probably meant that it works with any of those maps, not all those maps combined 😉

  5. Sorry for my mistake it was tested promods rusmap and rusmap southern region.

  6. More trucks in traffic too ?

  7. thx Karpiu

    my feelings when using:

    In promods+Rusmap I still feel that speed is high a little bit that make unreal in some curves.

    I needed to remove from MHA PRO Europe. The speed is much hight and unreal including into city. A example: always when I get out of my garage on Olsztyn and go to right and stop before roundabout, the ai cars hit me strong because the traffic is like 120 or more km/h. Olsztyn is my second city.

  8. CyberDriver

    hola buen día buen trabajo pero quiero decir que el mod no es compatible con bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat por favor solucionalo ya que dice que es comaptible con todos los pack de jazzycat gracias de antemano.

  9. … in Promods. I don’t know if I couldn’t use Trailers settings traffic by Piva, but again I have problems when I stop in some roundabouts. there are some suicide ai over 120 km and hit me with 100% damage… rs

  10. Francesco

    wow very nice

  11. pandatruck161288

    please Rebuild it for version 1.26

  12. pandatruck161288

    Reupload this file for version 1.27

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