Ro Map AddOn v 1.0


The first Romanian city made of 0.
In add-on you will find a city Oradea and road to Debrecen.
So you can play this add-on, you need DLC Going East! and ETS2 version 1.7.1/1.7.0 or any version which is compatible with the DLC.
which is compatible with the DLC.
This is not the finished product, I will continue this map until you have all of Romania.

Author: Traian


34 thoughts on “Ro Map AddOn v 1.0

  1. O sa o prezit cu mare interes in videoclip-urile mele Traian.
    Sper ca ai facut o treaba buna.
    Bafta in continuare.

    1. Multumesc.

  2. Subliminal

    Well, I can’t access the road from Debrecen to Oradea.
    I have 1.7.1 + Going East DLC.

  3. Does not work with it ProMods

    1. Sad… this map is not across ProMods “build” it”s seem we cannot use 2 add ons Map…?

      1. maps at different positions but some way they doesn’t works together – in same profile

  4. I have 1.7.1 + Going East DLC.

    drive from Debrecen to Oradea and works fine for me

  5. Confirm ca nu merge, e ca si cum ar fi un zid cand sa intri in Oradea.

    Deci e buna intentia ta dar mod-ul are probleme.

    1. Stiu de bugul din Debrecen, o sa incerc sa il rezolv.
      Pana atunci treceti cu camera 0 peste el.

      1. Cum adica sa trecem cu camera 0 peste el?

  6. si eu am aceasi problema la intrarea in debrecen dinspre oradea

  7. Traian ? Train Basescu ? :))

  8. off: bravo mah rumane,parca nu ar exista decat un singur om pe lume cu prenumele Traian,treci la culcare.

    on: de testat,sper sa faci treaba buna cu restul hartii 😉

    1. Arata bine,dar cu ceva .. probleme . Personal sper sa fie compatibila si cu Promods,fiindca pe viitor tipii astia vor mai face harti la fel de bune si ar fi bine sa o putem integra la jocul curent. Succese si sport la treaba

      1. In versiunea 1.7 este compatibila cu scandinavia map.
        Da un search pe google si gaasesti.

  9. With TSM I found a invisible wall at Debrecen-Oradea road. Can you fix?

  10. e bine de stiu ca cineva lucreaza la o harta cu romania 🙂

  11. In one or two weeks it will be the v1.5 of this map, with any bugs resolved and a new city.

    1. please make it compatible with TSM, is not funny to have a profile for each different country/map.

      1. The TSM team doesn’t have any plans of adding Romania any time soon so you either play with a custom map of Romania or you wait 2015 to finally see Romania in the TSM updates! 🙂

      2. if Scul(promods) and Thomas(TSM) join yourselves…. oh. with Valera_t(Russia Orient Express), too.

        I don’t know who is more stubborn.

        Why don’t joined or colaborate? what the cost?

  12. I get this error

    Could not find intro cutscene camera point for city ‘oradea’

    Is this city that are missing?
    I hope then in 1.5 is this missing city fixed and added road that are too missing in map

    1. Yes, the many roads who are missing will be added.

  13. sry those errors I get too in game.log file

    00:00:46.768 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘katowice’ for 0x2935DF72F0DC26
    00:00:46.781 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘ostrava’ for 0x2935DF8670E780
    00:00:46.913 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘gdansk’ for 0xBB06C733A2004A
    00:00:46.919 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘gdansk’ for 0x2935DF4AC0E977
    00:00:46.927 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘katowice’ for 0x2935DF0930DDBA
    00:00:46.936 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘krakow’ for 0x2935DFC9B0E530
    00:00:46.939 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘krakow’ for 0x65865B2A720021
    00:00:46.977 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘bystrica’ for 0x2935DEF750C684
    00:00:46.978 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘bystrica’ for 0x2935DF1E10CE8D
    00:00:46.995 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘budapest’ for 0x2935DF3F70D5E1
    00:00:47.015 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘lodz’ for 0x2935DF1E9004A3
    00:00:47.070 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘olsztyn’ for 0x2935DF1A70FB33
    00:00:47.074 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘olsztyn’ for 0x2935DFE3C0FA81
    00:00:47.111 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘kosice’ for 0x2935DEE550C686
    00:00:47.120 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘kosice’ for 0x2935DFEBA0CA7D
    00:00:47.177 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘warszawa’ for 0x2935DF7300FCD5
    00:00:47.242 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘debrecen’ for 0x2935DF25A0D5DF
    00:00:47.245 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘debrecen’ for 0x2935DFB230D054
    00:00:47.283 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘lublin’ for 0x2935DFB9F0DF80
    00:00:47.304 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘bialystok’ for 0x2935DF0830021B
    00:00:47.343 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘bialystok’ for 0x2935DF1AC0F678
    00:00:47.346 : Unable to find ‘City’ ‘bialystok’ for 0x2935DFAB90F423

    1. I’m sorry to hear this error.
      I don’t had this error.

  14. Why mine not work when using Going East map and game is latest version. Map add works with basic map and TSM but is minor of bux ofcourse

  15. Yeah, I fixed the invisible wall in Debrecen.
    A new version of this map will be realased in one or two weeks.

  16. @ Traian ,
    thanks that you gonna fix it.
    and that you will make Romania complete.
    take your time and give us something nice.

  17. errick_dannyel

    Foarte bine Traian! Asta lipsea din ets2!

  18. Din Oradea inspre Budapesta jocul se opreste instant si nici traseul nu se vede pe GPS.

  19. this map not work to the going east
    (bu harita going east sürümünde çalışmıyor)

  20. Suma pe care o casigi daca transporti marfa din Oradea in orice alt oras este ridicol de mica. Ceva nu e in regula

  21. merge pe orice varianta de euro truck

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