Santiago de Compostela added V.6 (1.48)

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This is the sixth version of my map

– I have added a new area around the streets that cross the neighborhood of San Lorenzo and allow a quick communication between the neighborhood of Vite and the old area with Vidán and La Barcia, on the road to Noia.

– I have rebuilt from scratch the street of the Concheiros and the Rúa de San Pedro, including all the squares, corners and alleys existing around these streets.

– The streets of Rúa da Ensinanza and Rúa da Virxe da Cerca have undergone the same reconstruction, although in this case I have preserved the previous road.

– Existing industrial areas on the A Coruna road and on the ring road had initially remained as a rural area. Now those areas have been built and recreated in detail.

– I have fixed the bad road connections at Porta do Camino and La Salle by replacing it with crossings like the real ones. I have done the same with the unreal roundabouts of San Roque and Santo Domingo. This has forced me to remodel all these areas.

– There are countless areas that I have rebuilt with new buildings and other elements (old area, industrial park, A Coruña road, ring road…).

– I have also updated the city definitions, including the population information added in version 1.48.

– No errors or warnings in the game.log. Totally clean.

– Well optimized. It works smoothly on even the least powerful computers.

– Corrected and adapted for version 1.48. I have used many models of the new version.



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