Scania in line 6 engine sound


Ss many of you asked me, here’s a 6 in line engine sound mod for Scania.


Author: Kriechbaum


15 thoughts on “Scania in line 6 engine sound

  1. Hi there
    I like 90% the engine sound :), I think the 500/800rpm-int-mono should be a litle more hoarse becouse the way it is now look like the original sound from the game and ### that int_gear_air after a while I can’t hear it anymore so please change it ok, love to use it but without that sound

  2. it is work in 1.4.12

  3. Trucker Melli

    Merci, that`s what i mean, is a wonderful sound for my scania…great job, thanks a lot!

  4. nice can make this sound for volvo ???

  5. Hi! And you can make mod of a sound of the engine of a Scania from мр3 the file?

  6. kriechbaum

    Olegich ——–> sorry, i don’t understand,
    Désolé, mais je ne comprends pas…

    SIMOS ——> i will later…

    Trucker Melli—–> happy for you.

    See ya.

    TomaSis ——–> i’ll make a V2 soon 😉

  7. Thx kriechbaum, will wait for it :))

    I think, Olegich ask you, if you can make a mod sound for scania from a mp3 file

  8. kriechbaum

    No matter the format of the files, it can be mp3 or ogg…

    The problem, is that the file of the sound, must be constant, with no or not a lot of variations. That’s why make a realist sound mod is not easy.

  9. kriechbaum

    The new pack with three brands (Scania, Volvo, Daf) of engine’s sound is uploaded.
    Wait a moment to see it on this site 😉

  10. Thanks TomaSis, you correctly understood me. I ask forgiveness for my English. Here the link, you can listen.

    1. wow :)) thats what I call a V8 sounds, would love to have one like that

  11. kriechbaum

    I see, all modders wants to do a sound mod like that, but in ETS 2 it’s impossible

    the game limits don’t allow you to make a sound like that…

    sorry 🙁

    Check here, it’s an update of my sounds 😉

  12. ComandoreOne

    Hello my friend, first of all grait work, second of all, wold like to know where did you got some of your sounds like opening hot gases valve sound and some gear air int sounds? Thank you and wait some replay from you.

    Thank you and best regards ComandoreOne from SCS Software

  13. Weirdpersone

    If you could combine the v6 shifting sound with de v8 sound you made, it would be great for the v8!

  14. the limk is broken…please reupload this sound!! a new link please!

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