Scania RS Addons v 1.1.4


Changelog From to 1.1.4:

* Updated to work with the Scania RS V2.0.
* Added RST-Steel bullbars.

Authors: SCS, RJL, GT-Mike, powerkasi(alias J.Snow)

DOWNLOAD 35 MB [Mediafire]

11 thoughts on “Scania RS Addons v 1.1.4

  1. JaroslavVanSturen

    Thanks for this mod !! its my favourite since first version ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. video please

  3. Flattothematt

    Does the Lightbox Not Work On The Scania T? Been Trying To Make It Work For Ages So I Can Install Speedy143’s Skins To The Truck


  4. SpartMaster

    I love this MOD so much!
    Thank’s for the Update.

    But i miss the GT-Mike Custom SideSkits..
    i’am the only one with this problem?


  5. Lion Bittroff

    link for Trailer ?

  6. Excellent+Mod+10/10

  7. SanderGaming

    Is it possible for you to put this mod on workshop? i can’t download it via this side…. thank you:D

  8. SanderGaming

    Any chance that you can put this mod on workshop? ๐Ÿ˜€ I can’t download it via here… thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Vacco_Mike

    can u update it for Scania T by RJL??

  10. 1.28 uptade please!!

  11. dont download the scania rs addons from powerkasi here do it somwere else i cant download it here i downloading it somwere else

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