Scania Streamline 6×6


I have made a wonderful Scania Streamline Mod it makes your 6×4 a 6×6
and it includes a 1500Hp engine with 10000 in Torque it also has a
modded Tranmission and 2 1000 liter fuel tanks this mod was made by me
and on v1.8.2.5 tell me what you guys think and also before I forget I
made this just cause I can and I seen people crying about the fake
motors and such HAHAHA

Darren Million


25 thoughts on “Scania Streamline 6×6

  1. That Is just ridicilous.

    1. Darren Million

      Well I have to say that its not a bad mod at all for this being the 1st one I have ever done Cheers πŸ™‚

    2. You do all realize that Scania makes a 16 liter 1000hp V8 diesel motor and while they don’t come stock in a truck … I personally have a friend who owns his own truck (kenworth) and the first thing he does with his brand new truck is to take it to his mechanic and have it tweaked to 850+ HP. So don’t think that a truck driver wouldn’t opt to do this if it were an option.
      +1 Darren Million

  2. I totally agree , this is just ridiculous !!

  3. then you can ‘seen’ one more
    NFS is not here and never will be. go away with your ###### unrealistic engine mods n00b

    1. Darren Million

      You people are just mad cause people do what they want with there OWN game well you know what? CRY ME A RIVER πŸ˜€ ##### non spelling person go back to School HAHAHAHAHA

  4. Darren Million

    Cry me a river OH Cry me a river OH cry me cry me Cry me a river πŸ˜€ NEXT lol

  5. Realistic man

    Ridiculous mod , STOP to make mods like that it’s not NFS , it’s a Simulator !!!

    1. Darren Million

      You dont like the mod then dont look at it and dont download it thats up to you but all I see is people crying and Crying it is SO SO funny πŸ˜€

  6. Darren Million

    Time to make me a big rig with some Dayton Wire Wheels and some Hydraulics and make it bounce while hauling a load how about that? Would that suite you folks better?

  7. angelknight

    dont hear anyone this mod is f……g awesome man! keep it up πŸ˜€ ;D i have a request can you ,ake a mod that is compatible with this mod you made for streamline,with lights and that kind of stuff?Thank you again for this awesome mod πŸ˜€

    1. Darren Million

      Sorry for the late Reply but I will try and see what I can do I dont know if I can do all that but we will see I am now to all this you know πŸ˜€ this was the 1st mod I have ever made for any game πŸ™‚

      1. angelknight

        ok thanks for the answer man keep up the good work πŸ˜€

  8. The Commenter

    Hey, i know what makes this mod better. Add some big spoilers, neons, more rims and spinners LOL

  9. Very GUT ,Funciona de dies
    10 Points !!
    Modifique el mod y tengo el 6×2 a 6×6
    Muchas Gracias
    Felices Fistas

    1. Darren Million

      Thankyou I worked 2 days to get it right and make sure it would work as it should and not crash the game like some Mods do when you open them cause I know that sucks but thats just part of taking the good with the bad πŸ™‚

  10. hows about a stand alone 1500hp with 6500 torque motor for scania .. πŸ™‚ plenty of power but not a race car πŸ˜›

    1. Darren Million

      I can do that πŸ™‚ and would be happy to would you like it for the Scania R and Streamline? Sorry for the late reply but I am not home I am at friends house doing some Computer work

      1. for streamline .. got 2000hp for the r series πŸ™‚

        do you do any other mods , ie skins ?

        1. Darren Million

          Ok I have just made it checked it and Posted it look for it to be here on the Page soon If there is sommething that you dont like just let me know I will try my best to make it right for you Happy Trucking πŸ™‚

  11. Brian Earl Spilner

    I think some of you nerds are more protective of this game than your own (imaginary) girlfriends.

    1. erm . i think you got an imaginary name …

      1. Brian Earl Spilner

        You do realise that sounds such as “erm” are utterly redundant in conversation and therefore can be left out of conversation that is typed?

        1. Darren Million

          I would like to say a few things if I may do so guys I myself am a person that was not taught how to mod this game I learned on my own by digging and the people that do make mods for this game work hard at the mods to make them right and work as should no need in fighting its just a game

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