Scania Tuning R + Streamline + Schmitz Trailer Ultra Combo Pack


I hope you will like this mod, the trailer isn’t standalone, but you can do it search “Always Coolliner”


Authors: Zilpzalp, StAfFoRdShIrE, Anheim


22 thoughts on “Scania Tuning R + Streamline + Schmitz Trailer Ultra Combo Pack

  1. farmie0263

    Nice package, but the trailer is not yours…
    Where are the credits ???

    So I think, that the Tuning mod is also not yours.
    Because people like you are steling mods, some modders like roadhunter don’t give mods to public now.

    1. Raphael2551

      yes its my Trailer modding by my

    2. Even using the correction of mirrors, the same as the inner turn red

  2. Nice…Useful mod 🙂

  3. Hello farmie0263,Yeah It isn’t all myne but I got edited them really.

    MadWolf Thank you a lot bro!

    1. DeineMudda

      du you asked the original autors ? no ? i know that you give a ####

  4. GhostRunner

    The truck is zilpzalp, so there is nothing for you.

  5. GhostRunner you’re lie ######, ZilpZalp’s Pack Doesnt Work’s on 1.14x/

    1. TruckerZer0

      I think it can be Malcom37’s Mega Store, because it works with 1.14/1.15; However give the right credits to the autors,this is clearly not your work. just some editing…

  6. Trucker yea men u’re right I forgot credits and so what…just a little work and bit edit!

    1. TruckerZer0

      Well done, i appreciate!

  7. Raphael2551

    you still my Trailer

  8. Raphael2551

    I hate thieves mod you are a shame for the zsene
    shame on you just look what you scratching on this traile thief is thal protection
    just look I’ll send you pictures

  9. Raphael2551

    Its my Trailer my copyright looks guys looks


  10. Very Nice mod!

  11. Bardzo fajny mod tylko szkoda że to czerwone światło jest w kabinie

  12. Please stop giving the author so much grief, i mean if he had not posted this mod on this website than many of us except for a handful would most likely have not found this mod. also it doesnt matter who uploaded the mod, what matters is that you enjoy using the mod and you have fun with it.

  13. thx m888888888888, f the haters

  14. Txh for sharing but I have some issues in paints in v1.15.1.1s, including is not same in mirrors.

  15. I’m crashing when i’m trying to start the engine… Idk if its any interior/display mods who might conflict with it.

  16. You should getting error with 1.16 Version on 1.15 I didnt saw any problem!

  17. Even using the correction of mirrors, the same as the inner turn red

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