Scania V8 Exhaust Sound Mod v 4.0


The exterior exhaust sound,start/stop sound,and in interior now the wipers are silence,the sound now its much better and its much realistic,it’s working with all scania,and with all patch

Author: laurentiu824


25 thoughts on “Scania V8 Exhaust Sound Mod v 4.0

  1. laurentiu824

    te sound its made from Scania R560 \8/ Sound NF Transport wich you can see (hear) it here

    1. you could help me edit this mod, putting the sound on the new Volvo?
      I know it’s not real, but the sound is really incredible and I’m a fan of the new Volvo, so if you can help me …
      Ty for atention

  2. Joci cu Track IR ?

  3. laurentiu824

    da,doar ca nu prea am reusit sa-i fac setarile

  4. Do you have link to your skin laurentiu824 or is it personal?

    1. laurentiu824

      the skin it cames with the trailer and this skin you can find it here with the name Scania R 730S-NR 6-NF and if you not find it,then lett me know and i will upload it 🙂

  5. Hi , this sound is awesome , great work 😉

  6. Can you make this for Volvo to?
    It’s a great sound!

  7. very nice song 🙂

  8. Robisierra

    Nice work 🙂

  9. Great sound, best I have ever tried

  10. laurentiu824


  11. The sound is very good. But I noticed a nasty click at around 1200-1300 RPM. It with intervals but very unpleasant. Anyone else noticed this? Anyway thanks for the sound, very nice!

    1. laurentiu824

      thanks. that click you hear its when you change the gear?is inside or outside?

  12. No, usually it clicks when it is kept constantly at the revs and sounds inside the cabin. By the way, I tried the previous your version and there it is also present. Tried other mods sounds, they work fine.

    1. laurentiu824

      i will look for it,thanks anyway you told me 🙂 Merry Christmas

      1. Thank you. I will wait for updates. Very good sound! Merry Christmas! 🙂

        1. laurentiu824

          i just listenit that click in automatic gear and also in manual.that click is when you change the gear,like the air sound and i know about it because i want it to be like this,because i play with manual gear

          1. Unfortunately that’s not what I meant. This is similar to the sound made ​​when such sound very loud headphones (crack). very hard for me to describe it here. May appear when the time and opportunity that I will try to write it down and send. It does not occur when switching. For example if you include the cruise control at 90 and go straight on the 12th speed is periodically heard this crack.

            So I recorded the sound a bit. Click hear to 25, 42 seconds and 2.14.

      2. Dose it work on 1.7.1s. And its zipped will it work with out scs file?

  13. laurentiu824

    i hear it,and yes i knew about it,that nasty click is because i made the exhaust mod to be a little louder

    1. Clear. A variant can do without it? Would be very grateful because the sound is really like.

  14. make a sound whit this that starts form 3:35

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