Scania V8 sound by Kriechbaum


Here’s my modded Scania sound, based on an other sound mod who is not
mine but opened to be modified.

I changed many things, like audio quality, gear changing sound, turbo
sound, amplification for each and others sound in the mod.

Author: Kriechbaum


14 thoughts on “Scania V8 sound by Kriechbaum

  1. I get a extaz !

    1. Trucker Melli

      Hallo, mir hat dein DAF sound mod v2 so gut gefallen und würde mir diesen so sehr als scania sound wünschen aber ich habe leider nicht die leiseste ahnung wie soetwas funktioniert mit umschreiben und so. Könntest du den daf sound auch zum scania sound umbauen? das wäre genial. lg Melli

      1. kriechbaum

        Hi, Thank you everyone.

        message to : Trucker Melli

        Please, speak english, i am french, and i don’t understand the german. I used a traductor to try to understand you. If i am right, you want this sound (Scania V8) converted to the Daf truck?

        All is possible, just that isn’t realistic, because none Daf has a V8 engine.
        Tell me what you want with more precisions.


        1. Also none of scania has sound like this, it’s all about the pipes.. yes they got the turbo but the open pipes and presure pipes does the sound,so that means that even iveco can has sound like this..

  2. No, she wrote.
    Your DAF Sound v2 is so good. Can u convert your DAF Sound into the Scania 😉

    1. kriechbaum

      yes i can. it’s done yet.

      Wait a moment, i upload it now on the site.

  3. kriechbaum

    it’s done, will be available soon on this site 🙂

  4. MattV8_730

    Cool Kriechbaum est français, on pourrait se contacter pour discuter d’ ETS 2 ?

  5. You say this is based on another sound mod but yet you only credit yourself as the author?

  6. OUTSTANDIND SOUND!!! I have one request though – can you convert it so that this mod -Scania 143m edit by Ekualizer can use the sound? And if possible also if you can convert it for Iveco, cause there are no sound mods for Iveco 🙂 Thanks in advance! You’re the best!

    1. Ok sry for the spam but I have a problem – when I switch to the outside camera the sound is working..but when I switch to the interior one the sound is the stock one O___O Ideas ?

  7. Well to be fair.. an Iveco can NEVER get to sound like a real V8 Scania.. The Raw power of the Scania is unmatched by no one other than Volvo.. The sound is more than pipes.. you can have all the open pipes you want and all you get is a lot noise.. combined with Scanias pistons travel and the way its Turbo is set up Scania V8 makes a VERY unic sound that i doubt any trucks can match.. you hear the Roar of the engine when you pull a full cargoload of 40 tonnes even at the high shift low gear after each time you realease the clutch panels and the Engine is allowed to breath you hear a very reconizeable sucktion combined with the Turbo struggling to keep up with the power Scanias Engine tries to release..

  8. First of all i would like to congratulate you for your job ! Your sound mods really give the game the best flavour.Now,if i could ask a favor i would be obliged.I have a sound mod and i would like you to make some changes if that is possible ?Small ones,like a little louder reving when you keep the engine rolling,air break and air shifting(i like to hear the air roaring :P) and your Kriechbaum engine start and engine stop sound ! Also you can keep the mod for further modding if you like.Contact me via e-mail if you could do me this favor ! ([email protected])

  9. Moyeszka Aledaisa

    The fact that none of you noticed that the real kriechbaum actually has an avatar on this site .. and this sound is obviously “stolen”.

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