Shetland Promods v2.62 Addon 0.2 for 1.45

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Shetland the Promods v2.62 Addon 0.2 for 1.45

The map does contain 60-70 km of new Shetland roads.

Do not copy mod and save original link
respect the work of the author please!

Map is beta 0.2 so some things can work not properly.

To play map :

-Download Promods Mod
map does need all map dlc’s , why? cause promods used it and it does have much of good models to use and improve goods.

-Place mod above promods files.

Data: Lerwick,Grutness,Sandness,Brae
new cities for 0.2: Toft,Ulsta,Burravoe ,Mid Yell ,Gloup .

ferry: Grutness – Stromness , Torf-Ulsta , Tofr-Torshavn

– Do not send mod if you do not have permission to share it! Ask me for it on My discord: Ciezarowkarz#0798

Have fun and good trucking!



7 thoughts on “Shetland Promods v2.62 Addon 0.2 for 1.45

  1. Aż się boję pomyśleć, a tym bardziej sprawdzać co ta mapa jest warta, skoro waży mniej niż 1 MB.

    1. Ciezarowkarz

      Szetlandy to tylko dwa sektory które nie mogą ważyć więcej niż 1-2 MB gdyż jest to zbyt mała ilość dróg i terenów do zabudowań. To jest dopowiedzenie na twoją wypowiedź 😉 Może mapa nie jest zbytnio doskonała , lecz mam nadzieje że niektórym przypadnie do gustu.

  2. how did you manage that you can now get on your map?

    1. Ciezarowkarz

      wait , i don’t understand what do you mean? Can you explain?

  3. Ciezarowkarz – NEW LINK! Sharemods had problem with files nad deleted all from last 20 days. Thanks!

    1. Ciezarowkarz

      Sharemods repaired link , this main works now.

  4. elkamynante

    Hello and thank you for all your work! One thing I don’t understand: since the map (this and many others) is here and everyone can enter here and download it for free, why anybody would share it personally with somebody else? I can simply send you this link and you be able to download for yourself. I’m a bit confused regarding the issue of “stealing” free mods

    1. Ciezarowkarz

      unfortunately, people post my work on other forums impersonating me: p

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