Template for ALL SCS trailers


Template for ALL SCS trailers
Work on all version.



5 thoughts on “Template for ALL SCS trailers

  1. Friend you do not respect the work of other authors
    I want to ask you a question, if someone steals your work you are happy ???
    These templates are the property Ets2studio, and created by the team

  2. Yes, that´s right. Why you do that?
    Otherwise there are a Lot of Templates here…
    Another Question:
    Why your Trailers/Mods are all the time on the Top?
    There are many Modders you push down. 🙁
    We do that only for Updates and we put a “Update” on our Pictures.

    1. I do not understand what you mean
      my thinking is wrong or is it right ??
      you’re not agree to respect the work of other authors?

  3. Hello !
    Is it possible to make a dffrent left and right side of the trailer skin?
    for example if i want a loggo in the front of the trailer on both sides.

  4. szia le toltom az anyad pinajat

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