Trux Highway Bullbar Painted With Michellin Man

This Is A Bullbar That Can Be Colored In Accordance With Your Skin Truck So You Don’t Need To Replace Every Want To Use This Bullbar & I Add Michellin Man Sign To Beautify The Look Of The Bullbar I hope you are happy if you appreciate my work. Keep using the original link if you want to save it else somewhere …

sorry if my english is bad…..

Naldi Mysterio


11 thoughts on “Trux Highway Bullbar Painted With Michellin Man

  1. TheGreenlightTrucker

    The template is useful, but without the folder names completely pointless 😉

    1. Randa Aprinaldi

      for naming the skin truck you only need to make it like this acc_list: “f_grill.trux_h” & acc_list: “f_grill.trux_h2”

      1. TheGreenlightTrucker

        Hm, yeah nice, but this are only DEF file names. But the folder structure & names?

      2. TheGreenlightTrucker

        Ah wait, it’s okay. Problem solved.

  2. Not connected to the truck, it flies in the air!

  3. Canarinho

    Where i find your Trux Highway Paintjob from Team Limetec?
    Can you share this and Truck Skin to?

  4. Marc Ulfhedinn

    Hi Naldi Mysterio!

    I liked very much your job. Thanx for your great mod. I have one it possible to do that for all trucks? I’ve seen this bullbar in other truck brands. And a option without Michellin Man? It’s gonna be awesome.

  5. Virgile Francois

    Very Nice
    Possibility to make it for Renault T

  6. Master.OfDisaster

    Nicht mit dem LKW verbunden, er fliegt in der Luft! und man sieht nur die Michis nicht die Bullbar

  7. it doesnt work for some reason dk why it only shows the michelin man

  8. R.D.B. Truckstyling

    what is the password for the files?
    because that’s the only way it will work for me

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