Waberer’s Trailer

Waberer's-Trailer-1 Waberer's-Trailer-2

Tested versions: 1.19 – 1.21

Respect orginal link!!!

Authors: Donovan, Matdom1988, Fred_be, lordofking1100


3 thoughts on “Waberer’s Trailer

  1. We know what you’re hiding ???
    I try to guess: 1-mod unlocked the authors Donovan, Matdom1988, Fred_be
    2-skin Waberer’s on the web if they are thousands
    3- you wrote in the description Respect orginal link !!!
    respects all friends!!!!!!!

    1. Elitesquad Modz

      I do ageer with you Zoso,
      This mod is so badly made, stolen by orthers and doesnt even look like a Waberer’s trailer.

  2. The unlockedmod >>> http://sharemods.com/q6nrdyegomra/waberer_s_skinli_dorse_lordofking1100_.zip.html
    Do not lock a mod that not belong to you

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