Winter Edit V3


Winter Mod EDIT V3:

-Fixed snow lines on some intersection
-Implemented Realistic Physic “v8.0.1”
-Implemented Improved Weather(Nice day/night only)
-Re-adjusted road contrast (better visual when changing road texture

Recommended to have rain probability set to 35-50% with weather
quality to high/ultra

BleDrajor (Uxot for Edit)


34 thoughts on “Winter Edit V3

  1. Arrêter de mettre sur Mega,c’est impossible à télécharger sur mega !

    1. Essaye un autre browser pas de probleme de mon coter,Chrome marche tres bien pour MEGA

  2. please upload to other site.. download from mega is imposible

    1. try another browser,Chrome perfectly works with MEGA

  3. C’est tout a fait possible de le telecharger sur mega, je viens de tester

  4. Weirdpersone

    Does this work with promod map?

    1. Yes it should be beware there is going to be some spots with grass/uncovered trees

  5. At least you’re aware of the latest version of the game ( Insist to put mod suitable only to the early versions Keeping Up ….. but a good time!! The snow I can see if I go on vacation in the mountains, ….. and I’m talking about the real one! You see that you have nothing to do!

    1. Eh?! What? if you complain really about this mod its just a edit of a winter mod of someone stopped working on it,if your not happy with it don’t use it or start making your own winter mod 🙂

  6. Works on TSM?


    1. Didn’t test with TSM,should work but not in Africa (duh!)

  7. works on tsm?

  8. tsm? please?

  9. We came to version Well, let’s build mod suitable only for this latest version! And ‘useless mod release for older versions, …….. now everyone is updated continuously because the game is very nice and everyone wants to enjoy the new features that are released continuously. But that is suitable for novelty “the latest version of the game” and not the previous ones that do not serve to ANYONE! We understood each other??

  10. Winter Edit V3 Video

  11. Hello MARIANZ: if you work with version can you tell me what files you have in your mod folder? Which map do you use? The original game or other maps?

    1. Hello bckobra!
      I have above 28 mods installed in my ets2, but the maps are the original one with dlc + Promods 1.5.2 and Ro Map Add-On v2.4. I can’t list here my mods because is a big list, maybe i’ll show my mods in one of my videos.

  12. Marianz hello … I solved the problem: I have the latest map of “MARIO” (map v.5.4) by more than 3 GB and it is beautiful. includes many Italian cities in Spain, Eastern Europe, Africa, Greece, Russia, Nordic, …….. etc.. I inserted the file of the snow, I modified the profile, without changing it, and I have continued his career with a lot of snow! It all happened by chance ……

    1. Nice! But be careful, because in Africa your trailer on that map will make lots of damage.

  13. Been there, …. but it was beautiful with a breathtaking view! In addition there is also the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. From Gibraltar to the Far East can be reached from there you can go to Cyprus and Turkey. look at the map of “Mario” is great ….. We lack only the East (India, China and Japan) then it would be 100% complete. If you do not have it, try it, I think it ultimately as complete.

    1. I have the map and that’s only thing i don’t like, in Africa AI is smashing your trailer :)) maybe the new patch 1.9 with the new AI will be better 🙂

  14. Im working on a small fix for the weather,where bad weather will be more equal with nice weather,Sun will only go down @8PM if i do any earlier time the sun is still in the sky but plain black and sunset 4PM to 8PM which makes a beautiful scenery 🙂

    1. try to fix snowflakes.. some snowflakes is black in windshield

      1. Erm??? never saw any black snowflakes on the windshield…maybe you have another mod that conflicts with this mod?

        1. im in the final phase with 3.5 atm just need a little bit more testing.

        2. yep… i have weather in ULTRA details..

          1. Oh i see well i dunno i didnt mod the rain/snow only edited some parts..but i think thats when the snow on windshield after a time they become frozen reason why they become more dark,they aren’t black just more dark 😛

  15. In fact, I wanted to ask, when it rains it is very real, but I’ve never seen snow, ….. it will be possible in the future?

    1. i dont think its possible unless someone that knows the game like someone from SCS..make actual rain to snowflakes…only mimic the effect on the windshield..

  16. V3.5 will be up soon,hopefully!

    1. You make great job like usual, we wait for your new release 🙂

  17. Can or can someone just to upload the physical mod?

    1. Its the latest version of KacaK..its on here (but tweaked for winter)

  18. We want to see the snowflakes falling from the sky and whiten the truck as it passes the time! Then it would be the ultimate winter. (then if we add some people who ski on the slopes of the mountains, next to the highway, it would be the best of all worlds!!).

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